D.C. Code § 42-2023

Current through codified legislation effective October 30, 2024
Section 42-2023 - Unit identification; taxation of unit and proportionate share of common area; effect of forfeiture or tax sale of other units
(a) For the purposes of assessment and taxation of property constituted into a horizontal property regime and to conform to the system of numbering squares, lots, blocks, and parcels for taxation purposes in effect in the District of Columbia, each condominium unit duly situate upon a subdivided lot and square shall bear a number or letter that will distinguish it from every other condominium unit situate in said lot and square.
(b) Each of said condominium units shall be carried on the records of the District of Columbia as a separate and distinct entity and all real estate taxes, other taxes arising out of or resulting from the ownership, use, or operation of the common areas, special assessments, including, but not limited to, special assessments for sewer mains, water mains, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, alleys, paving of streets, roads, and avenues, removal or abatement of nuisances, and special assessments levied in connection with condemnation proceedings instituted by the District of Columbia, shall be assessed, levied, and collected against each of said several separate and distinct units in conformity with the percentages of co-ownership established by § 42-2006, and in accordance with the provisions of law in effect in the District of Columbia relating to assessment, levying, and collection of real property taxes.
(c) The council of co-owners shall be liable for the filing of returns and payment of the tax on personal property located in the common areas and held for use or used in a trade or business or held for sale or rent.
(d) The title to an individual condominium unit shall not be divested or in anywise affected by the forfeiture or sale of any or all of the other condominium units for delinquent real estate taxes, other taxes arising out of or resulting from the ownership, use, or operation of the common areas; special assessments, including, but not limited to, special assessments for sewer mains, water mains, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, alleys, paving of streets, roads and avenues, removal or abatement of nuisances, special assessments levied in connection with condemnation proceedings instituted by the District of Columbia, or water charges and sanitary sewer service charges; provided, that the real estate taxes, the duly levied share of such other taxes and of such special assessments, and the water and sanitary sewer service charges on or against said individual condominium unit are currently paid.

D.C. Code § 42-2023

Dec. 21, 1963, 77 Stat. 458, Pub. L. 88-218, § 23.

Supersedure of chapter: See Historical and Statutory Notes following § 42-2001.