D.C. Code § 38-1853.07
Section 901(b) of Div. E, Title IX, of Public Law 115-31 provided that: "Except as otherwise expressly provided, whenever in this title an amendment is expressed in terms of an amendment to or repeal of a section or other provision, the reference shall be considered to be made to that section or other provision of the Scholarships for Opportunity and Results Act ( division C of Public Law 112-10; sec. 38-1853.01 et seq., D.C. Official Code)."
For effective date of amendments made by Pub. L. 114-254, see section 162(d) of Pub. L. 114-223 as added by 101(3) of Pub. L. 114-254.
Section 817(d) of P.L. 114-113 provided that unless specifically provided otherwise, § 817, and the amendments made by § 817, shall take effect 1 year after Dec. 15, 2015.