D.C. Code § 1-1508.01

Current through codified legislation effective October 30, 2024
Section 1-1508.01 - Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1987

(Effective December 15, 1987)

Prepared by the Mayor and transmitted to the Council of the District of Columbia, pursuant to the provisions of Section 422(12) of the District Charter.


I.Establishment There is hereby established in the Executive Branch of the Government of the District of Columbia, the "Department of Public and Assisted Housing" under the supervision of a Director who shall be appointed by the Mayor to a position in the Executive Service pursuant to Title X of the District of Columbia Government Comprehensive Merit Personnel Act of 1978, D.C. Law 2-139, effective March 3, 1979 (D.C. Code Sections 1-611.1 to 1-611.2 ), and subject to the advice and consent of the Council, as provided in Section 2 of the Confirmation Act of 1978, D.C. Law 2-142, effective March 3, 1979 (D.C. Code Section 1-633.7 ). The Deputy Director for Public Housing of the existing Department of Housing and Community Development shall be the Acting Director pending confirmation by the Council.
II.Purpose The mission of the Department of Public and Assisted Housing is to ensure the provision of safe, decent and sanitary low-cost public and subsidized housing to those residents of the District of Columbia who are eligible for such housing based upon eligibility criteria or guidelines established under my applicable federal or local laws or regulations.
A.The functions of the Department of Public and Assisted Housing shall be to:
(1) Provide the Mayor information and advice on matters pertaining to public and subsidized housing plans, programs, and activities within the District of Columbia.
(2) Identify the District's public and subsidized housing needs, formulate and recommend public and subsidized housing development policy and accomplish the planning, promotion, coordination and execution of plans, projects and activities to meet those needs.
(3) Develop annual and longer-term public and subsidized housing priorities and goals and budgets.
(4) Identify and develop new public and subsidized housing resources.
(5) Operate, manage and maintain the District's public housing stock.
(6) Administer and operate federal subsidy programs established pursuant to Section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937, as amended.
(7) Administer and operate the Tenant Assistance Program established pursuant to Title III of the District of Columbia Rental Housing Act of 1985, as amended.
(8) Develop and coordinate the delivery of tenant programs and services including educational training programs, day care services, job-training and employment opportunities, homeownership; health care and other social services for families and individuals residing in public or subsidized housing.
(9) Ensure that plans, programs and activities are in compliance with all applicable federal and local laws and regulations and coordinated with appropriate federal and local agencies.
B.The following functions are hereby transferred to the Department of Public and Assisted Housing:
(1) All of the functions related to the powers and duties of the National Capital Housing Authority established pursuant to the District of Columbia Alley Dwelling Act, as amended (D.C. Code 5-101 through 5-116), and Presidential Executive Order 6868 of October 9, 1934, as amended and transferred to the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) pursuant to Reorganization Order No. 3 of 1975 (21 DCR 2793; effective July 3, 1975), including the functions identified in the following Organizational Orders of the Department of Housing and Community Development:
(a) All of the functions related to the Public Housing Modernization Administration as identified in DHCD Organizational Order No. 85-8, dated November 19, 1985, including the functional statement related to the Public Housing Modernization Administration, attached thereto, approved November 19, 1985.
(b) All of the functions related to the Property Management Administration as identified in DHCD Organizational Order No. 84-8, dated August 10, 1984, including the functional statement related to the Property Management Administration attached thereto, approved August 10, 1984, as amended by DHCD Organizational Order No. 86-3, related to the establishment of the Rent Collection Division, Property Management Administration, dated September 18, 1986, including the functional statement attached thereto and approved September 18, 1986.
(c) The functions relating to the acquisition, development and production of new public housing units; the development of public housing homeownership opportunities for low-income families, and the marketing and disposition of existing public housing units, as identified in DHCD Organizational Order No. 86-1, dated March 27, 1986, relating to the Housing Production and Disposition Division, including the functional statement dated March 27, 1986, except for the functions relating to the sale for private development of residential properties identified in the Marketing and Disposition Branch of the Housing Production and Disposition Division.
(2) All of the functions of the Department of Housing and Community Development related to the Tenant Assistance Program established pursuant to D.C. Law 6-10 (D.C. Code Section 45-2532 ) and as delegated to the Department of Housing and Community Development pursuant to Mayor's Order 86-27, effective February 6, 1986; and as further identified in DHCD Organizational Order No. 85-10, dated November 29, 1985, including the functional statement attached thereto, approved November 29, 1985.
(3) All of the functions of the Department of Housing and Community Development related to the operations and administration of the subsidized housing programs established pursuant to Section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937, as amended, including the functions identified in the following DHCD Organizational Orders:
(a) All of the functions relating to the Section 8 Housing Program Division of the Housing and Business Resources Administration as identified in DHCD Organizational Order 82-5, dated April 26, 1982, including the functional statement attached thereto, approved April 26, 1982; except the functions relating to Rent Regulatory Agreements identified in the Moderate, Substantial Rehabilitation and Rent Regulatory Branch of the Section 8 Housing Program Division.
(b) All of the functions relating to the development, production and financing of Section 8 Subsidized Housing of the Multifamily Housing Development Finance Division of the Neighborhood Improvement Administration as identified in DHCD Organizational Order 84-7, dated August 1, 1984, including the functional statement attached thereto, approved August 1, 1984.
IV.Transfers All positions, property, records, and unexpended balances of appropriations, allocations, and other funds available or to be made available relating to the duties and functions assigned herein, are hereby transferred to the Department of Public and Assisted Housing.
V.Organization The Director of the Department of Public and Assisted Housing is authorized to organize the personnel and property transferred herein within any organizational unit of the Department as the Director deems appropriate.
VI.Abolishment The National Capital Housing Authority is hereby abolished.
VII.Effective Date This Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1987 shall become effective in accordance with Section 422(12) of Public Law 93-198, or on a date thereafter to be designated pursuant to Executive Order of the Mayor.

D.C. Code § 1-1508.01