Prepared by the Mayor and transmitted to the Council of the District of Columbia on September 1, 1986, pursuant to the provisions of Section 422(12) of the District Charter and Public Law 98-621 of November 8, 1984 ( 24 U.S.C. § 225 et seq.), the Saint Elizabeths Hospital and District of Columbia Mental Health Services Act.
There is hereby established, in the Executive Branch of the Government of the District of Columbia, under the supervision of the Director, a Department of Human Services (hereafter "Department"). The Director shall have full authority over the Department and all functions and personnel assigned thereto, including the power to redelegate to other employees and officials of the Department such powers and authority as in the Director's judgment are warranted in the interests of efficiency and sound administration.
The mission of the Department of Human Services is to assure the development and implementation of public health and social service policy in response to the needs of individuals and families in the District of Columbia; and to promote the health, mental health, and well-being of District residents through the delivery of high-quality and equitably-distributed services and income assistance programs.
The functions to be assigned to the major organizational components of the Department shall be:
The Director, through the organizational components of the Department, shall be responsible for the following functions:
The Director of the Department of Human Services is the successor to the authority delegated to him or her as Director of the previously-existing Department, and is authorized to act, either personally or through a designated representative, as a member of any committees, commissions, boards, interstate compacts, or other bodies which presently include as a member the Director of the Department of Human Services or the Superintendent of Saint Elizabeths Hospital; or as a participant in any interagency agreement to which the Director or the Superintendent has been a party.
All property other than real property and all records and personal property used in conjunction with the real property and buildings transferred to the District by Section 8 of P.L. 98-621 ( 24 U.S.C. § 225f ), are hereby transferred to the Department of Human Services for use in providing mental health and other services as of the effective date specified in the law.
The Department shall have the use of real property and buildings on the East side of the Saint Elizabeths campus with the exception of such real property and buildings as are retained by the federal government under P.L. 98-621; and shall also have the use of certain real property and buildings on the West side, on an interim or long-term basis, as determined by the Mayor.
The Department is also the successor to all other positions, property, allocations and other funds available or to be made available relating to the powers, duties, and functions of the preexisting Department of Human Services.
The Director of the Department of Human Services, in the performance of his or her duties and functions, is authorized to establish such organizational components within the Department with such specified functions as he or she deems appropriate. Until such establishment, existing Orders establishing the components of the preexisting Department remain in force, where they do not conflict with this Plan.
All orders and parts of orders in conflict with any of the provisions of this Plan are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed, except that any municipal regulations adopted or promulgated by virtue of the authority granted by such orders, shall remain in force until properly revised, amended, or rescinded.
The provisions of this Plan shall become effective pursuant to the promulgation of an executive order of the Mayor no later than thirty (30) calendar days after this Plan has been approved, in accordance with the requirements of Section 422(12) of Public Law 93-198.
D.C. Code div. I, tit. 1, ch. 15, subch. VII, pt. B