D.C. Code div. I, tit. 1, ch. 15, subch. VI, pt. D

Current through codified legislation effective October 30, 2024

Prepared by the Mayor and transmitted to the Council of the District of Columbia on December 1, 1983, pursuant to the provisions of Section 422(12) of the District Charter.


I. Establishment

There is hereby established, in the Executive Branch of the Government of the District of Columbia, under the supervision of a Director, a Department of Public Works (hereinafter Department). The Director shall have full authority over the Department and all functions and personnel assigned thereto, including the power to redelegate to other employees and officials of the Department such powers and authority as in the Director's judgment are warranted in the interest of efficiency and sound administration.

II. Purpose

The mission of the Department of Public Works is to plan, provide and maintain the District's physical infrastructure. For purposes of this reorganization plan, the "District's physical infrastructure" shall mean those public physical structures, facilities and services which involve District Government functions essential to the quality of the District of Columbia's environment and transportation system and for which capital monies have been or will be expended.

III. Functions

The functions to be assigned to the major organizational components of the Department shall be:

A. To develop policies and programs relating to mass transit including supporting the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (hereinafter WMATA) Board members, acting as liaison between WMATA and the District Government, administering the school transit subsidy and evaluating transit service and policy.
B. To develop policies and plans necessary to carry out the Department's mission including policy development, planning, capital programming, site acquisition, zoning review and regional liaison.
C. To ensure an adequate automated information support system to the Department's operations including systems operation; systems development; systems analysis; information equipment for telecommunications, word processing and copiers; and records management.
D. To provide basic support services for the functions required to be performed by the Department including personnel; materiel management involving procurement of general supplies and services (to the extent authorized by the Mayor), inventory, warehousing, supply and fuel distribution; and management/operations analysis.
E. To manage the finances of the Department in the areas of budget, finance, accounting, audit and control, payroll, and financial analysis.
F. To plan and provide for the maintenance of the public space in a safe, clean and healthful condition, including the maintenance and inspection of the public right-of-way and trees, coordination of the District's snow program and the ensurance of the proper and sanitary collection and disposal of refuse in an environmentally sound manner.
G. To ensure the provision, repair and maintenance of all District of Columbia non-emergency vehicles, including the control over the acquisition and inventory of same.
H. To plan, program, operate, manage, control and maintain public transportation facilities, systems and related programs to ensure the safe and efficient movement of people and goods in the District including traffic management; parking management and enforcement; vehicle and driver licensing, registration and control.
I. To the extent authorized by the Mayor, plan, manage, and contract for the design, engineering and construction of the District's infrastructure including its solid waste, water and sewer facilities, streets, bridges, and buildings.
J. To operate and maintain District facilities in proper condition through the application of standards, the control of building systems and the provision of repair and improvement services. Concurrent authority for building repairs and improvement functions is included in Reorganization Plan No. 5 of 1983 permitting a future transfer of all such functions and related resources and funds to the Department of Administrative Services.
K. To provide complete water and sewer utility systems including the provision of an adequate and potable water supply; water distribution, measurement and billing; the collection and treatment of sewage; and the construction and maintenance of all related facilities on a cost recovery basis.
L. To identify financial resources to be applied to public works programs, both operating and capital, and develop a plan for allocating the resources among public works programs.
IV. Transfer of Functions
A. All of the functions of the Department of Transportation as set forth in Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1975, dated July 25, 1975, shall be transferred to the Department, with the exception of the provision of the shuttle bus service established by Commissioner's Order No. 72-11, dated January 13, 1972, which shall be transferred to the Department of Administrative Services on the operational date established by the Department of Administrative Services Reorganization Plan approved by the Council.
B. The functions of the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs related to the License Inspection Branch of the Business Inspection Division of the Business Regulation Administration as identified in Solid Waste Disposal Regulations 71-21, section 8-3:607 and 8-3:610, established pursuant to Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1983, dated March 31, 1983, shall be transferred to the Department.
C. The functions of the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs related to the Vector Control Branch and Neighborhood Improvement Branch of the Environmental Control Division, established pursuant to Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1983, dated March 31, 1983, shall be transferred to the Department.
D. The functions of the Department of General Services related to the Bureau of Design and Engineering, Bureau of Construction Management, Bureau of Repairs and Improvements, the building engineer and mechanics' functions of the Bureau of Building Management and those capital functions of the Office of Programming, Management and Budget, established pursuant to Organization Order No. 69-96, dated March 7, 1969, shall be transferred to the Department. All other functions of the Department of General Services, established pursuant to Organization Order No. 69-96, shall be transferred to the Department of Administrative Services on the operational date established by the approved reorganization plan for that Department.
E. The functions of the Department of Environmental Services as set forth in Commissioner's Order No. 71-255, dated July 27, 1971, shall be transferred to the Department, with the exception of the Office of Environmental Standards and Quality Assurance which shall be transferred to the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs on the effective date of this Reorganization Plan.
V. Delegation and Redelegation of Authority

Except as provided in Section IV of this Plan, the Director of the Department of Public Works is the successor to all authority delegated to the Director of the Department of Transportation, Director of the Department of Environmental Services, and the Director of the Department of General Services, and is authorized to act, either personally or through a designated representative, as a member of any committees, commissions, boards, or other bodies which presently include as a member the Director of the Department of Transportation, the Director of the Department of Environmental Services, or the Director of the Department of General Services.

VI. Other Transfers

All positions, personnel, property, records and unexpended balances of appropriations, allocations, and other funds available or to be made available relating to the functions set forth under Section IV above (other than those resources and funds to be transferred to the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs and the Department of Administrative Services) are hereby transferred to the Director of the Department of Public Works.

VII. Reorganization

The Director of the Department of Public Works, in the performance of his or her duties and functions, is authorized to establish such organizational components within the Department with such specified functions as he or she deems appropriate.

VIII. Rescission
A. All orders and parts of orders in conflict with any of the provisions of this plan are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed, except that any municipal regulations adopted or promulgated by virtue of the authority granted by such orders, shall remain in force until properly revised, amended or rescinded.
B. The Department of Transportation and the Department of Environmental Services are abolished as of the effective date established for this plan pursuant to Section IX below. The positions of Director, Department of Transportation and Director, Department of Environmental Services, are also abolished on the same date.
IX. Effective Date

The provisions of this plan shall become effective pursuant to the promulgation of an executive order of the Mayor establishing the same no later than thirty (30) calendar days after this plan has been approved in accordance with the requirements of Section 422(12) of Public Law 93-198.

D.C. Code div. I, tit. 1, ch. 15, subch. VI, pt. D