D.C. Code § 1-1501.02

Current through codified legislation effective October 30, 2024
Section 1-1501.02 - Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1975

(21 DCR 2793; Effective July 3, 1975)

Prepared by the Mayor and transmitted to the Council of the District of Columbia on April 8, 1975, pursuant to the provisions of Section 422(12) of the District Charter.

Department of Housing and Community Development

1.Establishment There is established, in the Executive Branch of the Government of the District of Columbia, the Department of Housing and Community Development headed by a Director who shall perform the functions herein transferred, delegated, or otherwise assigned to him, and who shall have the authority to redelegate such functions as he deems necessary.
2.Purpose The Department of Housing and Community Development is established to formulate, develop and recommend housing and community development policy, plans and programs, and to accomplish the promotion, coordination and execution of policy, plans and programs, and the administration of laws, pertaining to housing and community development.
3.Functions The Director of the Department of Housing and Community Development shall:
(a) Provide the Mayor information and advice on matters pertaining to public and private housing and community development plans, programs and activities in the District of Columbia.
(b) Identify the District's housing and community development needs, formulate and recommend housing and community development policy, and accomplish the planning, promotion, coordination and execution of plans, projects and activities to meet the needs.
(c) Develop annual and longer-term housing and community development priorities, goals and objectives for the District.
(d) Prepare in collaboration with the Municipal Planning Office that portion of the Comprehensive Plan that pertains to housing and community development, and recommend changes in that plan when essential to the accomplishment of housing and community development goals and objectives.
(e) Prepare for submission to the Office of Budget and Management Systems that portion of the Capital Improvement Plan and the Multi-Year Program and Financial Plan, developed by the Department, that pertains to housing and community development; and recommend changes in that plan when essential to the accomplishment of housing and community development goals and objectives.
(f) Prepare an annual housing and community development work program and budget.
(g) Ensure that housing and community development plans and plan execution are coordinated with appropriate Federal and local agencies and departments.
(h) Develop with appropriate Federal and local agencies and departments, and with private organizations, plans and programs to create and sustain private developer interest and activity in the District of Columbia.
(i) Develop policies, standards and procedures for conducting housing and community development activities, such as inspection, relocation, land acquisition and disposition, citizen participation, minority contracting, data collection and management.
(j) Evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency with which housing and community development programs, projects and activities meet specified goals and objectives.
(k) Establish and maintain a City-wide data collection and data management system pertaining to housing and community development.
(l) Conduct research, field surveys and neighborhood planning and management studies relating to land use and housing conditions, and develop and test new program concepts as demonstration or special projects.
(m) Administer and enforce to the extent authorized by this Plan the statutes, codes and regulations governing housing, and the construction, erection, maintenance, repair, alteration, inspection, zoning, occupancy, use and removal of buildings and their appurtenances and electrical and mechanical equipment.
(n) Promote the preservation and improvement of residential neighborhoods, the development of underdeveloped or inappropriately developed land, and the provision of supportive community services and economic opportunities in or near residential areas.
(o) Manage the affairs of the National Capital Housing Authority and the Model Cities Program.
(p) Provide staff support, administrative, fiscal, and housekeeping services for the Redevelopment Land Agency, National Capital Housing Authority, Board for the Condemnation of Insanitary Buildings, Condemnation Review Board, Relocation Advisory Committee (CO 73-151), Urban Renewal Operations Committee (CO 55-998), Building Code Advisory Committee (CO 72-173), and the Mayor's Advisory Committee on Fort Lincoln (CO 72-223).
(q) Review applications filed with the Board of Zoning Adjustment pursuant to Section 3105.42 of the District of Columbia Zoning Regulations and make comments and recommendations thereon to the Board.
(r) Manage the affairs of the Redevelopment Land Agency to the extent authorized by this Plan.
(s) Serve as Model Cities Administrator, State Historic Preservation Officer for the District of Columbia, Administrator of Section 109.10, D.C. Building Code, providing for delay in alteration and demolition of architecturally or historically significant properties, the Mayor's second alternate on the NCPC, the Mayor's first alternate on the NCPC's Housing and Urban Renewal Committee, member of the National Capital Planning Commission's (NCPC) Coordinating Committee, Chairman of the Relocation Advisory Committee, the Urban Renewal Operations Committee and the Building Code Advisory Committee, and Coordinator of the Fort Lincoln New Town Urban Renewal Project (CO 72-223).
(t) Present, at the direction of the Mayor, plans, budgets and proposed programs of the District pertaining to housing and community development to the Council of the District of Columbia, Congressional Committees, Federal agencies, the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, and other entities.
4.Transfer of functions and delegated authorities respecting the District of Columbia Redevelopment Land Agency The powers, duties and functions of the District of Columbia Redevelopment Land Agency, as set forth in D.C. Code 5-701 through 5-737, are transferred to the Director of the Department of Housing and Community Development, except as herein provided.

The Board of Directors of the Agency established pursuant to D.C. Code 5-703 shall continue to have full powers and duties with respect to the selection of any lessee or purchaser of real property acquired or to be acquired by the Agency. The Board shall also continue to have full powers and duties with respect to the adoption of resolutions and the execution of financial documents on behalf of the Agency in connection with the issuance or redemption of any bonds or notes issued or to be issued on behalf of the Agency. All proposed issuances shall be approved by the Mayor, or his designee.

The functions of adopting, prescribing, amending and repealing bylaws, rules and regulations for the exercise of the powers of the Board or governing the manner in which the Agency's business may be conducted, which have been transferred under Reorganization Plan No. 4 of 1968, are transferred to the Director of the Department of Housing and Community Development.

During the absence or disability of the Director, or in the event of a vacancy in the Office of the Director, such Acting Director as may be designated by the Mayor or such subordinate officer of the Department as may be designated by the Director, shall exercise the powers, duties and functions of the District of Columbia Redevelopment Land Agency that are transferred to the Director by this plan.

5.Transfer of functions and delegated authorities respecting the National Capital Housing Authority The powers, duties and functions of the National Capital Housing Authority, as set forth in the District of Columbia Alley Dwelling Act, as amended (D.C. Code 5-103 through 5-117), are transferred to the Director of the Department of Housing and Community Development, who shall serve as the Authority. In carrying out his functions as such Authority, the Director shall be known as the "National Capital Housing Authority." Such Authority shall be deemed a continuation of the Authority designated under Presidential Executive Order 6868 of October 9, 1934, as amended. During the absence or disability of the Director, or in the event of a vacancy in the Office of the Director, such Acting Director as may be designated by the Mayor or such subordinate officer of the Department as may be designated by the Director, shall act as the Authority.
6.Transfer of functions and delegated authorities relating to the Office of Housing and Community Development The powers, duties and functions of the Director of the Office of Housing and Community Development, as set forth in Commissioner's Orders No. 74-143 of June 29, 1974, No. 74-182 of August 21, 1974, No. 74-189 of September 6, 1974, No. 74-201 of September 25, 1974, and No. 74-233 of November 12, 1974, are transferred to the Director of the Department of Housing and Community Development. The Office of Housing and Community Development is abolished.
7.Transfer of functions and delegated authorities relating to the Department of Economic Development The powers, duties and functions of the Director of the Department of Economic Development, as set forth in Commissioner's Order No. 69-96 of March 7, 1969, as amended, relating to the administration and enforcement of the building and housing codes and the zoning laws and regulations are transferred to the Director of the Department of Housing and Community Development, except as herein provided. The functions relating to the issuance of licenses, permits and certificates in connection with the administration of such codes, laws and regulations shall remain vested in the Director of the Department of Economic Development.

In addition, the powers, duties, and functions of the Director of the Department of Economic Development relating to the provision of administrative staff for the Board for the Condemnation of Insanitary Buildings and the Condemnation Review Board, the administration and enforcement of laws and regulations governing the abatement of nuisances under D.C. Code Sections 5-313 through 5-315 (relating to unlawful conditions); Sections 5-501 through 5-508 (relating to unsafe structures); and Section 6-902 (relating to removal of weeds on residential properties in accordance with Commissioner's Order No. 73-80) are transferred to the Director of the Department of Housing and Community Development. The powers, duties, and functions of the Director of the Department of Economic Development, as set forth in Commissioner's Order No. 70-301 of August 11, 1970; No. 72-174 of July 7, 1972; No. 73-73 of March 28, 1973; No. 73-168 of July 13, 1973; and No. 73-286 of December 14, 1973, are transferred to the Director of the Department of Housing and Community Development.

8.Services to be provided by other agencies The Director of the Department of Economic Development shall provide automated data processing services to the Department of Housing and Community Development for the conduct of its building and housing code enforcement activities. The Corporation Counsel [now Attorney General for the District of Columbia] shall perform the functions of general counsel for the Redevelopment Land Agency and the National Capital Housing Authority, which functions are transferred to the Corporation Counsel.
9.Organization The Director of the Department of Housing and Community Development, in the performance of the functions assigned to him, is authorized to establish such organizational components with such specified functions as he deems appropriate.
10.Repeal of previous Orders
(a) Commissioner's Order No. 68-376 of May 22, 1968, is hereby repealed and those other Orders; or parts of Orders, in conflict with the provisions of this Plan, are to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed.
(b) Organization Order No. 102, establishing the Board for the Condemnation of Insanitary Buildings (Commissioner's Order No. 54-2034), as amended, is further amended
(i) by striking paragraph B in Part I and inserting in lieu thereof the following new paragraph B:

" B. The Board for the Condemnation of Insanitary Buildings shall consist of six members, each of whom shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor; one representative of the Department of Housing and Community Development, who shall serve as Chairman; a representative of the Department of Economic Development; a representative of the Department of General Services; and three representatives of the Department of Environmental Services."; and,

(ii) by striking the term "Department of Licenses and Inspections" wherever it appears and inserting in lieu thereof the term "Department of Housing and Community Development".
(c) Organization Order No. 9, appointing Contracting Officers (Commissioner's Order No. 68-399), as amended, is further amended by striking clause (4) in paragraph A in Part I and inserting in lieu thereof "(4) Director, Department of Housing and Community Development;".
11.Transfer of funds and other resources All positions, personnel, property, records, and unexpended balances of appropriations, allocations, and other funds available or to be made available relating to the above functions, other than the functions transferred to the Corporation Counsel, are transferred to the Director of the Department of Housing and Community Development, except that real property titled in the name of the District of Columbia Redevelopment Land Agency shall remain so vested. All positions, personnel, property, records, and unexpended balances of appropriations, allocations, and other funds available or to be available relating to the functions of the General Counsel and legal staffs of the Redevelopment Land Agency and the National Capital Housing Authority are transferred to the Corporation Counsel, who is authorized to establish such organizational components within that Office with such specified functions as may be deemed appropriate. Pursuant to the provisions of Public Law 93-198, section 713, all positions and personnel transferred herein which are in the competitive service shall retain such status and continue to be subject to all rules and regulations governing the competitive service until such time as the D.C. Government merit system is established in accordance with section 422 of Public Law 93-198.
12.Effective Date The provisions of this Plan shall become effective pursuant to the requirements of Section 422(12) of Public Law 93-198.

D.C. Code § 1-1501.02