The following short form certificates of notarial acts are sufficient for the purposes indicated, if completed with the information required by § 1-1231.14(a) and (b):
"District of Columbia
"This record was acknowledged before me on ________ by ____________________
"....................................................................................Date...........Name(s) of individual(s)
" Signature of notarial officer
" Title of office
"[My commission expires: _________]
"District of Columbia
"This record was acknowledged before me on ________ by _____________________
"....................................................................................Date...........Name(s) of individual(s)
"as (type of authority, such as officer or trustee) of (name of party on behalf of whom record was executed).
" Signature of notarial officer
" Title of office
"[My commission expires: _________]
"District of Columbia
"Signed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me on ________ by ______________________
".......................................................................................Date...........Name(s) of individual(s)
" making statement
" Signature of notarial officer
" Title of office
"[My commission expires: _________]
"District of Columbia
"Signed [or attested] before me on ________ by _______________________
"...............................................................Date...........Name(s) of individual(s)
" Signature of notarial officer
" Title of office
"[My commission expires: _________]
"District of Columbia
"I certify that this is a true and correct copy of a record in the possession
"of ________________________________________.
"Dated ___________________________
" Signature of notarial officer
" Title of office
"[My commission expires: _________]".
D.C. Code § 1-1231.15