- Section 211 - Meetings of stockholders
- Section 212 - Voting rights of stockholders; proxies; limitations
- Section 213 - Fixing date for determination of stockholders of record
- Section 214 - Cumulative voting
- Section 215 - Voting rights of members of nonstock corporations; quorum; proxies
- Section 216 - Quorum and required vote for stock corporations
- Section 217 - Voting rights of fiduciaries, pledgors and joint owners of stock
- Section 218 - Voting trusts and other voting agreements
- Section 219 - List of stockholders entitled to vote; penalty for refusal to produce; stock ledger
- Section 220 - Inspection of books and records
- Section 221 - Voting, inspection and other rights of bondholders and debenture holders
- Section 222 - Notice of meetings and adjourned meetings
- Section 223 - Vacancies and newly created directorships
- Section 224 - Form of records
- Section 225 - Contested election of directors; proceedings to determine validity
- Section 226 - Appointment of custodian or receiver of corporation on deadlock or for other cause
- Section 227 - Powers of court in elections of directors
- Section 228 - Consent of stockholders or members in lieu of meeting [for application of section, see 81 del. laws, c. 86, section 40]
- Section 229 - Waiver of notice
- Section 230 - Exception to requirements of notice
- Section 231 - Voting procedures and inspectors of elections
- Section 232 - Delivery of notice; notice by electronic transmission
- Section 233 - Notice to stockholders sharing an address