- Section 6922 - Small purchase procedure
- Section 6923 - Competitive sealed bidding
- Section 6924 - Competitive sealed proposal; request for proposal procedure
- Section 6925 - Sole source procurement
- Section 6926 - Multiple source contracting
- Section 6927 - Bid and contract security
- Section 6928 - Failure to comply with contract
- Section 6929 - Contract insurance and contract liability
- Section 6930 - Right to audit records
- Section 6931 - [Repealed.]
- Section 6932 - Maximum practicable competition
- Section 6933 - Authorization for cooperative purchasing
- Section 6934 - Purchase of used materiel or equipment
- Section 6935 - Purchases using federal contracts
- Section 6936 - Special requirements for financial contracts
- Section 6937 - Purchase of native plants
- Section 6938 - Purchase of recycled, reusable and recyclable products
- Section 6939 - Purchase of energy efficient products
- Section 6940 - [Effective 12/29/2024] Service worker protection