Section 2402 - Rules and regulationsWith a view of achieving enjoyable and proper use of ATVs and minimizing the detrimental effect thereof upon the environment, rules and regulations relating to, but not limited to, the following may be adopted and promulgated as herein provided.
1. The commissioner may adopt rules and regulations: (a) for conducting special events as provided in section twenty-four hundred eight of this article;(b) for the administration and enforcement of the provisions of section twenty-four hundred seven of this article relating to liability insurance;(c) establishing a comprehensive ATV information and safety education and training program or programs including provision for issuance of ATV safety certificates for operation of ATVs by youthful operators;(d) with respect to uniform signs or markers to be used by governmental agencies which are necessary or desirable to control, direct or regulate the operation and use of ATVs. Such signs as may be designated for use on highways shall also be approved by the commissioner of transportation; and(e) with respect to such other matters as may be necessary or desirable to provide for the effective administration and enforcement of the provisions of this article.2. Any state agency may adopt rules and regulations not inconsistent with the provisions of the vehicle and traffic law in a manner appropriate to such agency to permit or regulate the use of ATVs on specifically designated land, including highways, under its jurisdiction.N.Y. Veh. and Traf. Law § 2402