N.Y. Pub. Health Law § 451

Current through 2024 NY Law Chapter 315
Section 451 - Directors of hospitals; removal and suspension
1. The director of a hospital in the department may be removed by the commissioner for cause stated in writing, after an opportunity has been given the director to be heard thereon. Such action by the commissioner shall be final. The board of visitors of the hospital, however, shall be notified of any such hearing and its members be given an opportunity to be heard thereat. Pending the investigation by the commissioner or board of visitors of any charges against a director, the commissioner may suspend such director.
2. The commissioner may prefer charges of misconduct or incompetency against the director of a hospital in the department, to the board of visitors, and the board of visitors shall thereupon investigate the truth of such charges and make its recommendations thereon to the commissioner, or the commissioner or his duly authorized representative may investigate any charges of like nature made to the commissioner. The investigating authority may subpoena witnesses, and take and hear testimony.

N.Y. Pub. Health Law § 451