Section 1867 - Annual reports1. For the purpose of furnishing the state with systematic information regarding the status and the activities of the authority, the authority shall submit to the governor, the chairman of the senate finance committee, the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee and the state comptroller, within ninety days after the end of its fiscal year, a complete and detailed report setting forth: (1) its operations and accomplishments; (2) its receipts and disbursements, or revenues and expenses, during such fiscal year in accordance with the categories or classifications established by the comptroller and including but not limited to a breakdown of operating expenditures and revenues by facility, by maintenance and by personnel; a breakdown of capital expenditures, including an analysis of all projects begun, completed or in progress in that fiscal year; (3) an explanation of depreciation, policies, reserve funds and investments; (4) its assets and liabilities at the end of such fiscal year including the status of reserve, depreciation, special or other funds and including the receipts to and payments from these funds, and the status of funds received from federal and state governments; and (5) a schedule of its bonds and notes outstanding at the end of its fiscal year, together with a statement of the amounts redeemed and incurred during such fiscal year. 2. The authority, so long as it is not subject to the civil service law, shall within ninety days after the end of its fiscal year submit to the governor, the chairman of the senate finance committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee a report on its personnel policies and practices with regard to recruitment, selection, promotion, classification, compensation, transfer, separation, employee relations and services and equal opportunity programs.3. The comptroller shall be charged with seeing that the reports mandated in subdivision one are filed on time and that they are sufficiently comprehensive. The comptroller shall report any deficiencies to the governor and to the legislative chairmen named in subdivision two of this section.4. The authority shall submit annually to the governor, for his approval, and to the budget director, the state comptroller and the head of any executive agency having energy related responsibilities, chairman of the senate finance committee, and chairman of the assembly ways and means committee, its proposed operating budget for the next ensuing fiscal year and the operating budget for the present fiscal year.5. The budget shall be submitted in a form and on the date specified by the budget director, including, but not limited to, information on rates, contracts, revenue and sources of revenue.6. The comptroller shall each year certify to the budget director, the governor and the legislative chairmen named in subdivision two of this section specific amounts for which the authority is obligated to the state.7.(a) The authority shall submit to the governor, the chair of the senate finance committee, and the chair of the assembly ways and means committee, and publish on the authority's public website a semi-annual report for the time period ending March thirty-first no later than June first and for the time period ending September thirtieth no later than December first of each year detailing the authority's activities for the previous six month reporting period.(b) The semi-annual report required pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subdivision shall include information with respect to all proceeds collected and administered by the authority pursuant to an order of the public service commission, including assessments, fees, taxes, transfers, corporate income or surcharges imposed on energy consumers or power generators. The semi-annual report shall include, at a minimum, the following: 1. total revenues collected by the authority in the reporting period;2. a list of requests for proposals, program opportunity notices, or similar solicitations, that have been issued in the reporting period;3. a description of the criteria and standards utilized for awarding a request for proposal, a program opportunity notice, or similar solicitation;4. a regional report on all projects selected for funding by the authority during the reporting period, including the county and utility service territory in which the project is located, and the total value of these projects statewide and by region;5. all disbursements or expenditures of revenues pursuant to a request for proposal, a program opportunity notice, or similar solicitation; and6. a list of all contracts executed and completed during the reporting period including a description of each project.(c) The president and chief executive officer of the authority shall provide notice to the director of the division of the budget, the chairman of the senate finance committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee of any report that is more than sixty days delinquent. Should the authority be delinquent in submitting its report by more than one hundred eighty days, the president and chief executive officer shall provide notice of such delinquency to the director of the division of the budget, the chairman of the senate finance committee, the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee, and the state comptroller.(d) Reporting requirements. The information for the report required under this subdivision shall be current to within sixty days of the actual release of the report.N.Y. Pub. Auth. Law § 1867
Amended by New York Laws 2015, ch. 58,Sec. RR-1, eff. 4/13/2015.