Car interior: when the car is in motion at a speed of forty miles per hour during normal operation with measurements in the center of the car and the microphone five feet above the floor.
Station: (express) when the train is in motion and passing in front of the on-platform measuring point.
(local) when the train is in motion and any part of it is within the station.
Car exterior (elevated tracks) when the train is in motion and is passing in front of the point from which noise measurements are being made.
To the extent, if any, that the authority's plan fails to meet the standards specified in the sound table, the authority shall so state and provide the reasons for its inability to meet such standards.
Such annual report shall also include a detailed analysis of all future noise abatement activities planned for the upcoming twelve months. These reports shall also include comprehensive statements of progress made on all planned noise abatement activities included in the previous annual report.
Nothing herein shall preclude such report from being incorporated in the authority's annual capital report submitted pursuant to the "capital financing and services system act of nineteen hundred eighty-one," so long as it is maintained as a separate, distinct and identifiable component in such report.
N.Y. Pub. Auth. Law § 1204-A