1. The county executive shall prepare and submit to the authority a four-year financial plan, initially for the fiscal years ending December thirty-first, two thousand one through two thousand four, together with the proposed budget for the fiscal year ending on December thirty-first, two thousand one, not later than the date required for submission of such budget to the legislature pursuant to the county charter. Such financial plan shall, in addition to the requirements for financial plans set forth in subdivisions two and three of this section, contain actions sufficient to ensure with respect to the major operating funds for each fiscal year of the plan that annual aggregate operating expenses for such fiscal year shall not exceed annual aggregate operating revenues for such fiscal year. For purposes of determining operating revenues in the fiscal years ending December thirty-first, two thousand one through two thousand seven, such plan may assume (a) borrowings by the county or the authority to finance tax certiorari judgments or settlements in annual amounts not exceeding one hundred million dollars, or, in the aggregate for all such years, four hundred million dollars; however, of said four hundred million dollars, no more than fifteen million dollars may be counted as operating revenue in the fiscal year two thousand six and no more than ten million dollars may be counted as operating revenue in fiscal year two thousand seven, and (b) receipt by the county of NCIFA assistance and transitional state aid in the following collective amounts for each respective fiscal year: Amount Fiscal Year
2001 amount 2001
2002 amount 2002
2003 amount 2003
2004 amount 2004. The one hundred million dollars annual limit on assumed tax certiorari borrowings may be waived by the authority respecting any fiscal year, upon its determination that the results of any increased and accelerated settlement or litigation efforts by the county justify such waiver.
As used in this subdivision:
"2001 amount" means that amount expected to be provided by the authority to ensure balanced major operating fund operations upon its determination that the county has taken recurring actions to close between thirty-five per centum (35%) and forty per centum (40%) of the projected gap.
"2002 amount" means that amount expected to be provided by the authority to ensure balanced major operating fund operations upon its determination that the county has taken recurring actions to close between forty-five per centum (45%) and fifty per centum (50%) of the projected gap.
"2003 amount" means that amount expected to be provided by the authority to ensure balanced major operating fund operations upon its determination that the county has taken recurring actions to close between sixty per centum (60%) and sixty-five per centum (65%) of the projected gap.
"2004 amount" means that amount expected to be provided by the authority to ensure balanced major operating fund operations upon its determination that the county has taken recurring actions to close between eighty per centum (80%) and eighty-five per centum (85%) of the projected gap.