N.Y. New York City Civil Court Law § 1101

Current through 2024 NY Law Chapter 315
Section 1101 - Disclosure
(a) CPLR applicable. The procedures set forth in the CPLR relative to disclosure, bill of particulars and the procuring of a copy of the items of an account, shall govern in this court, subject to subdivision (b). In an action to impose or collect a civil penalty for violation of the multiple dwelling law or the housing maintenance code of the New York city administrative code, leave of court, obtained by motion to the housing part thereof, shall be required for disclosure or for a bill of particulars except for a notice under CPLR 3123, which leave shall be granted only upon a showing that such disclosure or bill of particulars is necessary to the prosecution or defense of the action. If it is so noted on the summons, any motion for disclosure or a bill of particulars must be made in writing and on notice and must be filed with the clerk with proof of service not later than thirty days after joinder of issue.
(b) Parties and non-parties. All notices, orders, subpoenas and other papers relating to disclosure:
1. by a party, may be served by such means and at such place, regardless of city or state lines, as would be permissible in the supreme court in a like instance;
2. by a person not a party, may be served and executed only within the city, unless the court shall find that the interests of justice require that service not be so limited, in which case the court may permit service as in paragraph one. Such permission may be granted only after motion on notice to all adverse parties.
(c) Protective order. The protective order provided for in CPLR § 3103 shall be available in this court with regard to all of the foregoing, and shall not be limited to the disclosure devices provided in article 31 of the CPLR.

N.Y. New York City Civil Court Law § 1101