For the purpose of this act, unless the context clearly requires otherwise:
1."Applicant" means an eligible organization which submits a proposal under subdivision five of section four of this act.2."Approved organization" means an eligible organization approved by the commissioner to conduct either an individual subsidy program or an employer incentive program, under subdivision five of section four of this act.3."Commissioner" means the commissioner of health.4."Eligible organization" means an organization submitting a proposal to the commissioner under subdivision five of section four of this act. The organizations which may submit a proposal shall include, but not be limited to, the following: (i) a commercial insurer;(ii) a corporation or health maintenance organization licensed under article forty-three of the insurance law;(iii) a health maintenance organization certified under article forty-four of the public health law;(iv) a comprehensive health services plan operating under regulations of the department of social services or the department of health;(v) an employer association; or(vi) a local social services district.5."Employer incentive program" means a pilot program which assists employers in providing health care coverage under subdivision three of section four of this act.6."Incentive payment" means payments made to an approved organization to reduce the cost of providing health care coverage under the employer incentive program.7."Individual subsidy program" means a pilot program which shall assist individuals and families in purchasing health care coverage under subdivision two of section four of this act.8."Regional pilot project" means a program to test a model providing health care coverage under insurance or equivalent coverage mechanisms for the uninsured and to test negotiated special payment rate methodologies for inpatient and outpatient services delivered by general hospitals.9."Subcommittee" means the subcommittee on health insurance established pursuant to chapter one hundred twenty-six of the laws of nineteen hundred eighty-one.10."Subsidy payment" means a payment made to an approved organization to reduce the cost of purchasing health care coverage under the individual subsidy program.11."Superintendent" means the superintendent of financial services.N.Y. Expanded Health Care Coverage Act Law § 3