Schedule A. Arsenic, atropine, corrosive sublimate, potassium cyanide, chloral hydrate, hydrocyanic acid, strychnine and all other poisonous vegetable alkaloids and their salts and oil of bitter almond containing hydrocyanic acid.
Schedule B. Aconite, belladonna, cantharides, colchicum, conium cotton root, digitalis, ergot, hellebore, henbane, phytolacca, strophanthus, oil of savin, oil of tansy, veratrum viride and their pharmaceutical preparations, arsenical solutions, carbolic acid, chloroform, creosote, croton oil, white precipitate, methyl or wood alcohol, mineral acids, oxalic acid, paris green, salts of lead, salts of zinc, or any drug, chemical or preparation which is liable to be destructive to adult human life in quantities of sixty grains or less.
N.Y. Educ. Law § 6821