For aid payable in the nineteen hundred ninety-seven-ninety-eight and nineteen hundred ninety-eight-ninety-nine school years, the software factor shall equal four dollars and fifty-eight cents. For aid payable in the nineteen hundred ninety-nine-two thousand school year, the software factor shall equal seven dollars and fifty-five cents. For aid payable in the two thousand-two thousand one school year, the software factor shall equal fourteen dollars and ninety-eight cents. For aid payable in the two thousand one-two thousand two school year, the software factor shall equal twenty-three dollars and ninety cents. For aid payable in the two thousand two-two thousand three school year and thereafter, the software factor shall equal fourteen dollars and ninety-eight cents. The apportionment provided for in this section shall be paid at such times as may be determined by the commissioner and approved by the director of the budget. Aid payable pursuant to this section shall be deemed final and not subject to change after April thirtieth of the school year for which payment was due.
N.Y. Educ. Law § 751