N.Y. Canal Law § 130
The corporation shall have charge of the hydro-electric plants constructed pursuant to chapter five hundred thirty-two of the laws of nineteen hundred twenty-two for the development and generation into electric energy of water power available at the structures known as the Crescent and Vischer Ferry dams located on the canalized Mohawk river between the city of Schenectady and the village of Waterford, and shall exercise the same powers over such structures as it has over other structures on the canal system. The said structures shall be maintained and operated as a part of the canal system.
Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the corporation, upon the approval of the state comptroller, and the division of the budget, is authorized to enter into a negotiated contract for the sale of surplus electricity produced at the Crescent and Vischer Ferry dams, upon such terms and conditions as are beneficial to the state including the corporation. Any revenue realized from the sale of such surplus electricity shall be deposited into the canal fund.
N.Y. Canal Law § 130