N.Y. Agric. & Mkts. Law § 90-A
Infectious and communicable disease affecting domestic animals continues to exist in this state, and the existence thereof endangers the health and welfare of the people of the state. Despite the moneys spent to control, suppress and eradicate such infection and disease its incidence is the concern of the The powers of quarantine and condemnation held and exercised by the department of agriculture and markets tend to suppress but do not constitute an adequate control. It is hereby declared to be a matter of legislative determination that a more exacting supervision of those who, as a business, whether for profit or not-for-profit, deal in, handle , transport, and rescue domestic animals is needed in the public interest and that in the exercise of the police power such persons be required to hold a permit before engaging in such activities.
N.Y. Agric. and Mkts. Law § 90-A