Colo. Rev. Stat. § 8-15.7-103

Current through Chapter 492 of the 2024 Legislative Session
Section 8-15.7-103 - Committee for apprenticeship in the building and construction trades - created - members - powers and duties
(1) The director shall establish the committee for apprenticeship in the building and construction trades as a subcommittee of the SAC to advise the SAA on registered apprenticeship programs for the building and construction trades in the state.
(a) The CABCT consists of seventeen members appointed as follows:
(I) The director shall appoint ten voting members familiar with apprenticeable occupations as follows:
(A) Four representatives from employer organizations, one of whom represents a statewide employer organization, one of whom represents an employer involved with an apprenticeship program targeting populations with barriers to employment, and one of whom represents a statewide organization of general and specialty commercial construction contractors that is knowledgeable about registered apprenticeship programs;
(B) Four representatives from employee organizations, one of whom represents a statewide employee organization; and
(C) Two representatives of the public; and
(II) The governor shall appoint seven nonvoting, ex officio members to serve on the CABCT, all of whom are concurrently appointed to the CANEI pursuant to section 8-15.7-104 (2)(a)(II), as follows:
(A) One representative from the department;
(B) One representative of career and technical education programs;
(C) One representative with experience in economic development;
(D) One representative of training providers;
(E) One representative of the state work force development council created in section 24-46.3-101;
(F) One member who is interested in promoting equal opportunity in apprenticeship; and
(G) One representative from the department of higher education.
(I) Of the members appointed by the director, the initial term of office of three members from employer organizations, two members from employee organizations, and one representative of the public is three years, and the initial term of office of the remaining four members is four years. Thereafter, the terms of the members appointed by the director are four years.
(II) Of the members appointed by the governor, the initial term of office of the three members appointed pursuant to subsections (2)(a)(II)(A), (2)(a)(II)(B), and (2)(a)(II)(C) of this section is three years and the initial term of office of the three members appointed pursuant to subsections (2)(a)(II)(D), (2)(a)(II)(E), and (2)(a)(II)(F) of this section is four years. Thereafter, the terms of the members appointed by the governor are four years.
(c) The director shall appoint one member of the CABCT to serve as the chair for a term of two years. A chair may be appointed to serve no more than two full terms.
(d) If a member fails to complete the member's term, the appointing authority shall appoint a new member to complete the remainder of the term.
(e) Members shall serve without compensation for their service; except that members may receive a per diem as established by the director and reimbursement for travel and other necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties.
(f) The CABCT:
(I) Shall meet at least quarterly and at the request of the director as needed to accomplish the objectives of the CABCT;
(II) Shall provide timely written notice of all meetings to the department;
(III) May determine its own procedural rules; and
(IV) Is subject to article 6 of title 24.
(g) No member of the CABCT may receive any compensation from an apprenticeship program.
(3) For the building and construction trades, the CABCT shall perform the following duties as a subcommittee of the SAC:
(a) Advise the SAA on the minimum standards for registration of apprenticeship programs;
(b) Advise the SAA on state plans, rules, and administrative procedures pertinent to the operation of apprenticeship programs and equal employment opportunities in apprenticeships;
(c) Support the SAA in communications, technical assistance, and promoting promising practices in registered apprenticeship programs; and
(d) Provide an annual report to the executive director with apprenticeship data disaggregated by age, race, gender, veteran status, disability, and industry.
(e) to (i) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2023.)

C.R.S. § 8-15.7-103

Amended by 2024 Ch. 32,§ 4, eff. 8/7/2024.
Amended by 2023 Ch. 37, § 5, eff. 3/23/2023.
Added by 2021 Ch. 309, § 1, eff. 7/1/2021.
2024 Ch. 32, was passed without a safety clause. See Colo. Const. art. V, § 1(3).