STATE OF ________________________ | ) | |
) | ss. | |
________ COUNTY OF______________ | ) |
To the Sheriff of _____ County _____, State of Colorado.
WHEREAS, _____ of ___ in the ___ County of _____, a member of the Colorado National Guard, was on the _____ day of ____, 20___, tried by court-martial and found guilty of _____ in violation of the Colorado Military Code and was sentenced to pay a fine of _____ Dollars; and
WHEREAS, such fine has not been paid;
NOW, THEREFORE, by authority of the State of Colorado, you are hereby commanded to take the body of the said _____ and commit it to the keeper of the jail in the County of ______, who is hereby commanded to receive the body of the said _____ and keep him or her safely until he or she pays the sum above mentioned, or shall have served one (1) day for each dollar of said fine, after which time he or she shall be released.
Fail not, but make service and return within sixty (60) days from this date.
Dated at ______, in the ____ County of _____ this ____ day of ____, 20___.
C.R.S. § 28-3.1-406