Current through 11/5/2024 election
Section 25-7-1203 - Voluntary agreements(1) The owner or operator of any stationary source or group of stationary sources may obtain regulatory assurance, as described in section 25-7-1204, by entering into a voluntary agreement pursuant to this part 12. The parties to the proposed voluntary agreement shall negotiate in good faith to reach a voluntary agreement as expeditiously as possible. The owner or operator shall provide the division with any information necessary to evaluate the terms and conditions of the proposed voluntary agreement. The parties to the proposed voluntary agreement shall structure the emission limitations or emission reductions contained in a voluntary agreement so as to minimize costs and maximize the operational flexibility available to the owner or operator of the stationary source or group of stationary sources by using, among other things, numeric emission limits, annual emission limits, or emissions averaging across several emission points or sources, as appropriate.(2) The division shall evaluate the emission limitations contained in a proposed voluntary agreement to determine whether they will result in reductions in actual emissions or actual emission rates, will result in emission reductions earlier than would be required by existing laws or regulations, will result in emission reductions significantly greater than required by existing laws or regulations, and will protect human health or the environment. The division shall also evaluate the assurance period proposed in the voluntary agreement based on the following factors: (a) The environmental benefits of the emission limitations and their significance;(b) The time necessary to achieve the emission limitations;(c) The capital, operating, and other costs associated with achieving the emission limitations; and(d) The energy impacts and environmental impacts not related to air quality of achieving the emission limitations.(3) After conducting the evaluation required in subsection (2) of this section, the division may reject any proposed voluntary agreement that does not meet the requirements of this section. If the division rejects the proposed voluntary agreement, the owner or operator of the stationary source or group of stationary sources may petition the commission for review of the proposed voluntary agreement and the division's rejection thereof in accordance with the rules promulgated by the commission.(4) If the division finds that the emission limitations and the assurance period proposed in a voluntary agreement meet the requirements of this section, the division shall submit the proposed voluntary agreement to the commission for approval. The commission shall provide the public with notice and an opportunity to comment on the proposed voluntary agreement. The commission shall act upon the voluntary agreement as expeditiously as possible. The commission shall approve the voluntary agreement unless it finds by substantial evidence that the proposed voluntary agreement is inconsistent with the requirements of this part 12. In no event shall the commission adopt emission limitations or an assurance period different than proposed in the voluntary agreement without the express written approval of the owner or operator of the stationary source or group of stationary sources subject to the agreement.(5) If the commission approves the proposed voluntary agreement, the emission limitations and other provisions contained in the voluntary agreement shall be enforceable under this article against the stationary source or group of stationary sources in accordance with the terms and conditions contained in the voluntary agreement. Such enforcement may include any appropriate mechanism, including rule, permit condition, or consent order.(6) No voluntary agreement or the underlying emission limitations under subsection (1) of this section shall be made federally enforceable without the written consent of the owner or operator of the stationary source or group of stationary sources.(7) Except as provided in this part 12 or other applicable law, no voluntary agreement entered into under this part 12 shall alter any existing federal or state requirement otherwise applicable to the stationary source or group of stationary sources subject to such agreement.(8) The commission may adopt any rules, procedures, or combination thereof necessary to implement this part 12. Notwithstanding this authority, the division may negotiate and evaluate proposed voluntary agreements, and the commission may approve proposed voluntary agreements and review the division's rejection of a proposed voluntary agreement as of July 1, 1998.L. 98: Entire part added, p. 1045, § 1, effective July 1.