Current through 11/5/2024 election
Section 25-7-1003 - DefinitionsAs used in this part 10:
(1) "Air quality related value (AQRV)" means a feature or property of a class I federal area other than visibility that the state of Colorado finds may be affected by air pollution. General categories of air quality related values include odor, flora, fauna, soil, water, geologic features, and cultural resources.(2) "Air quality related value baseline data" means research data based on site-specific measurements and samplings of air quality related values within a class I federal area needed to substantiate a determination of whether or not a particular observation is within the range of naturally occurring changes or fluctuations.(3) "Best available retrofit technology" means a control strategy for addressing emissions of a stationary source developed on a case-by-case basis after taking into consideration the costs of compliance, the energy and nonair quality environmental impacts of compliance, any existing pollution control technology in use at the source, the remaining useful life of the source, and the degree of improvement in the air quality related value that may reasonably be anticipated to result from the use of such technology.(4) "Peer review" means a review of scientific or technical information by a balanced objective panel of experienced scientists qualified to review the subject matter involved in verifying the existence of or attributing the cause of an AQRV impairment.(5) "Reasonably available control measure" means a control strategy for addressing emissions of a nonstationary source developed on a case-by-case basis after taking into consideration the options available to achieve emission reductions that a particular source or source category is capable of meeting as appropriate to an air quality related value if such steps may be feasibly and practicably taken considering technical and economic constraints.(6) "Significant impairment of an air quality related value" means a measurable change in an air quality related value that is outside the probability of natural variability, that is caused by human activities, and that is causing a significant adverse effect to flora, fauna, soil, geologic features, cultural resources, or a beneficial use of water recognized under Colorado law.L. 96: Entire part added, p. 1444, § 1, effective June 1.