Colo. Rev. Stat. § 24-38.5-404

Current through Acts effective through 7/1/2024 of the 2024 Legislative Session
Section 24-38.5-404 - Building electrification for public buildings grant program - creation - report - legislative declaration
(1) The general assembly hereby finds, determines, and declares that:
(a) Emissions from heating buildings are one of the five largest sources of greenhouse gas pollution in Colorado;
(b) Many public buildings owned by local governments, school districts, institutions of higher education, and other governmental entities are older buildings with both high energy costs and emissions;
(c) Energy performance contracting is an important tool that governmental entities can use to upgrade the energy performance of buildings by financing energy upgrades based on projected savings in energy costs;
(d) Newer technologies such as cold climate heat pumps and heat pump water heaters offer many opportunities to reduce greenhouse gas and nitrogen oxide emissions and improve indoor air quality; and
(e) Therefore, it is important for state investments to support public agencies in including high-efficiency electric heating upgrades in energy performance contracts for public buildings.
(2) There is created in the Colorado energy office the building electrification for public buildings grant program to provide grants to institutions of higher education, local governments, school districts, state agencies, and special districts for the installation of high-efficiency electric heating equipment.
(3) Grantees may use money received through the building electrification for public buildings grant program for the following purposes:
(a) The purchase and installation of high-efficiency electric equipment for space heating, water heating, or cooking;
(b) The purchase of electrical installations and upgrades necessary to support the installation of high-efficiency electric equipment;
(c) The purchase and installation of other innovative building heating technologies that the Colorado energy office determines will likely achieve equal or lower levels of greenhouse gas emissions than high efficiency heat pumps operated on the projected 2030 electric grid; and
(d) In the case of eligible entities from low-income, disproportionately impacted communities, or just transition communities as those communities are identified by the Colorado energy office, to cover the administrative costs associated with the purchase and installation described in subsections (3)(a), (3)(b), and (3)(c) of this section.
(4) The Colorado energy office shall administer the building electrification for public buildings grant program, award grants as provided in this section, and develop policies and procedures as necessary to implement the grant program.
(5) Grants shall be paid out of the clean air buildings investments fund created in section 24-38.5-406.
(6) The Colorado energy office may develop policies and procedures prioritizing the grant applications of eligible entities from low-income, disproportionately impacted communities, or just transition communities as those communities are identified by the Colorado energy office, and the Colorado energy office shall award at least thirty percent of the total amount of money it awards through grants pursuant to the building electrification for public buildings grant program to such eligible entities.
(a) To receive a grant, an eligible entity must submit an application to the Colorado energy office in accordance with the policies and procedures specified by the Colorado energy office.
(b) The Colorado energy office shall provide technical assistance in applying for grants through the building electrification for public buildings grant program as needed to eligible entities from low-income, disproportionately impacted communities, or just transition communities as those communities are identified by the Colorado energy office.
(a) Each grantee that receives a grant through the building electrification for public buildings grant program shall submit an annual report to the Colorado energy office for the first five years after receiving the grant.
(I) On or before February 1, 2024, and on each year thereafter, the Colorado energy office shall submit a summarized report to the transportation and energy committee of the senate and the energy and environment committee of the house of representatives or their successor committees, on the building electrification for public buildings grant program. At a minimum, this summarized report must include:
(A) A description of the grants awarded, including a description of the projects funded by the grants as described to the Colorado energy office in the grant applications;
(B) The percentage of grants awarded to low-income, disproportionately impacted communities or just transition communities and to individuals with a disability or entities that used the grants to provide a service for individuals with a disability; and
(C) To the extent available, the impacts of the grants on gas use, electricity use, emissions, and energy costs.
(II) This subsection (8)(b) is repealed, effective July 1, 2026.

C.R.S. § 24-38.5-404

Added by 2022 Ch. 301, § 1, eff. 6/2/2022.