Colo. Rev. Stat. § 22-31-105

Current through Chapter 519 of the 2024 Legislative Session and Chapter 2 of the 2024 First Extraordinary Session
Section 22-31-105 - School directors - number - election - term - plan of representation
(a) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (b) of this subsection (1), in each school district, regardless of when the school district was organized, five, six, or seven school directors shall be elected, the number having been established as required by law. The school directors shall be elected at regular biennial school elections, each for a term of four years and until a successor has been elected and qualified; except that any school district that elects directors for terms of six years as of July 1, 1999, may continue electing directors for terms of six years until such time as the term length may be changed as provided in subsection (3) of this section.
(b) In each school district coterminous with a city and county, there shall be elected a seven-member board of education with one eligible elector elected from each of five director districts and two eligible electors elected from the district at large. School directors shall be elected at the respective regular biennial school elections, each for a term of four years and until a successor has been elected and qualified. Elections shall be held in accordance with the procedures established in section 22-31-131.
(2) Except as otherwise provided in section 22-31-131 (1.5)(b)(I) and subsection (6.5) of this section, all school directors shall be voted on at large by the eligible electors of the entire school district, regardless of the school district's plan of representation.
(a) The board of education of any school district in which the directors serve six-year terms may, by resolution passed by a majority of the whole board, submit to the eligible electors of the school district, at the next regular biennial school election, a proposal to change the terms of office of the directors of the district from six years to four years. The proposed plan shall be adopted by resolution of the board at least one hundred ten days prior to the election.
(b) Upon receipt of a written petition that meets the requirements specified in this paragraph (b), the board of education of any school district in which the directors serve six-year terms shall submit to the eligible electors of the school district, at the next regular biennial school election, a proposal to change the terms of office of the directors of the district from six years to four years. The petition shall be signed by at least five percent of the eligible electors of the district, and the proposed plan, specifying terms of office and establishing the procedure for making the transitions, shall be attached thereto. The petition, together with the proposed plan, shall be submitted to the secretary of the board of education at least one hundred ten days prior to the election.
(c) No proposal to change the terms of office of the directors of the district shall be submitted within four years after a previous proposal to change the terms of office has been submitted to the eligible electors of the district.
(d) The secretary of the board of education shall cause notice to be given pursuant to section 1-5-205, C.R.S., that at the next biennial election for school directors a plan revising the terms of office of school directors will be submitted to the eligible electors of the district. The notice shall state that the plan is on file in the administration offices of the school district for public inspection during reasonable business hours; and the notice may be combined with the notice otherwise required for the election of school directors at the regular biennial school election.
(e) The ballot shall contain the words "For a four-year term of office for school directors" and "Against a four-year term of office for school directors". Otherwise, the ballots and election procedures shall be the same as prescribed for the regular biennial school election.
(f) If a majority of the votes cast at the election are "For a four-year term of office for school directors", the plan shall become effective upon the survey of election returns. If a majority of the votes cast are "Against a four-year term of office for school directors", the school directors of the district shall continue to be elected or appointed as prescribed in this section.
(a) The board of education of a school district may, by resolution passed by a majority of the whole board, submit to the eligible electors of the school district, at the next regular biennial school election, a proposal to change the number of directors; except that the school district shall not elect fewer than five nor more than seven directors. The proposal shall be adopted by resolution of the board at least one hundred ten days prior to the election. As provided in subsection (7) of this section, the board of education may simultaneously adopt a resolution to submit a proposal to change the school district plan of representation; except that, if the existing school directors are elected pursuant to a director district plan of representation, the board of education shall simultaneously adopt a resolution to submit a proposal to either change the boundaries of the director districts to reflect the change in the number of directors or change the school district plan of representation to adopt an at-large plan of representation or a combined director district and at-large plan of representation.
(b) Upon receipt of a written petition that meets the requirements specified in this paragraph (b), the board of education of a school district shall submit to the eligible electors of the school district, at the next regular biennial school election, a proposal to change the number of directors; except that the school district shall not elect fewer than five nor more than seven directors. As provided in subsection (7) of this section, the persons submitting the petition may simultaneously submit a petition to change the school district plan of representation. If the existing school directors are elected pursuant to a director district plan of representation and no change to the school district plan of representation is submitted by petition, the board of education shall adopt a resolution to submit a proposal to either change the boundaries of the director districts to reflect the change in the number of directors or change the school district plan of representation to adopt an at-large plan of representation or a combined director district and at-large plan of representation. Any petition submitted pursuant to this paragraph (b) shall be signed by at least five percent of the eligible electors of the district and shall be submitted to the secretary of the board of education at least one hundred ten days prior to the election.
(c) The secretary of the board of education shall cause notice to be given pursuant to section 1-5-205, C.R.S., that at the next regular biennial election for school directors a proposal to change the number of directors and the school district plan of representation, if submitted or adopted pursuant to paragraph (a) or (b) of this subsection (4), will be submitted to the eligible electors of the district.
(d) The ballot shall contain the words "For changing the number of school directors from ___ to ____ (and for the proposed change to the director district plan of representation)" and "Against changing the number of school directors from ___ to ____ (and against the proposed change to the director district plan of representation)". Otherwise the ballots and election procedures shall be the same as prescribed for the regular biennial school election.
(e) If a majority of the votes cast on the question are "For changing the number of school directors from ___ to ____ (and for the proposed change to the director district plan of representation)", the plan shall become effective for the election of school directors at subsequent regular biennial school elections. If a majority of the votes cast are "Against changing the number of school directors from ___ to ____ (and against the proposed change to the director district plan of representation)", there shall continue to be the same number of school directors operating under the same plan of representation in such district as existed prior to the election.
(a) In any school district in which the terms of office of the directors expire on a schedule that does not create as close to the same number of offices to be filled at each regular biennial school election as possible, the board of education may, by resolution passed by a majority of all members of the board of education, extend or reduce for two years one or more terms of directors to be elected at the next regular biennial school election as necessary to achieve thereafter as close to the same number of offices to be filled at each regular biennial school election as possible. The extension or reduction of terms of office shall occur only once; thereafter, all terms of the members of the board of directors shall be equal.
(b) In determining which term or terms to extend or reduce, the board of education shall select, first, the term or terms for which an early election is scheduled at the next regular biennial school election due to the occurrence of a vacancy in the office of school director and, second, the term or terms regularly expiring at the next succeeding regular biennial school election. In the event it is necessary for the board of education to select between two or more terms of equal priority for extension or reduction under this subsection (5), the determination shall be by lot.
(c) The resolution extending or reducing the terms of office shall be adopted not less than one hundred ten days prior to the next regular biennial school election. A candidate shall run for and, if elected, shall serve the term as is appropriate for the director district in which the candidate resides; however, if the school district has an at-large plan of representation or a combined director district and at-large plan of representation, each candidate shall run for and, if elected, shall serve for the designated term as provided for in section 1-4-803 (3), C.R.S.
(a) The board of education of any school district that desires to propose a change in its plan of representation may submit a plan to implement such change to the eligible electors of the school district at any regular biennial school election or at a special school election called by the board for that purpose. A change in the plan of representation may consist of the adoption of a director district plan of representation, the elimination of a director district plan of representation and replacement with an at-large plan of representation, or the adoption of a plan of representation that combines director districts with an at-large plan of representation. The plan shall be adopted by the board of education at least one hundred ten days prior to the election.
(b) The eligible electors of any school district who desire to propose the adoption of any change to the school district plan of representation specified in paragraph (a) of this subsection (6) may petition the board of education of the school district to submit a plan to implement the change to the eligible electors of the district at any regular biennial school election. The petition shall be signed by at least five percent of the eligible electors of the school district, and the proposed plan of representation shall be attached thereto. The petition, together with the proposed plan, shall be submitted to the secretary of the board of education of the school district at least one hundred ten days prior to the election. If the plan meets statutory requirements, the board of education shall submit the plan to the eligible electors of the school district at the next regular biennial school election.
(c) A director district plan of representation developed pursuant to paragraph (a) or (b) of this subsection (6) shall be subject to the specifications prescribed in section 22-31-109.
(d) The secretary of the board of education shall cause notice to be given on the question of whether the existing plan of representation shall be replaced by the plan of representation proposed in the manner provided in paragraph (a) or (b) of this subsection (6), pursuant to section 1-5-205, C.R.S., which shall include that the plan of representation is available at the administration offices of the school district for public inspection during reasonable business hours.
(e) The ballot shall contain the words "For the proposed director district plan of representation" and "Against the proposed director district plan of representation", or "For the proposed at-large plan of representation" and "Against the proposed at-large plan of representation", or "For the proposed combined director district and at-large plan of representation" and "Against the proposed combined director district and at-large plan of representation", as the case may be. Otherwise, the ballots and election procedures shall be, as nearly as practicable, as prescribed for a regular biennial school election.
(f) If a majority of the votes cast at the election are for the proposed plan of representation, the plan shall become effective upon the survey of election returns; but no plan of representation shall terminate the office of any school director elected at or prior to the election at which the plan is submitted. The plan shall be effective after the election for subsequent vacancies and the election of school directors at any subsequent regular biennial school election. In the event that, as a result of the adoption of a plan of representation, two or more members of the board of education reside in the same new director district and the office of any one of the members thereafter becomes vacant, the vacancy shall be filled by the appointment of an eligible elector residing in a director district that does not then have a representative on the board of education. If the majority of the votes cast at the election are against the proposed plan of representation, the school directors of the district shall continue to be elected or appointed as provided under the existing plan of representation, except as otherwise provided in section 22-31-110.
(a) The board of education of any school district that desires to have all or some members of the board of education elected by the vote of eligible electors within a director district rather than at-large may submit a plan to implement such change to the eligible electors of the school district at any regular biennial school election or at a special school election called by the board for that purpose. A change in the method for electing members of the board of education may consist of the adoption of a director district plan of representation or the adoption of a plan of representation that combines director districts with an at-large plan of representation. The plan shall be adopted by the board of education at least one hundred ten days prior to the election.
(b) The eligible electors of any school district who desire to propose the adoption of any change in the manner of the election of members of the board of education specified in paragraph (a) of this subsection (6.5) may petition the board of education of the school district to submit a plan to implement the change to the eligible electors of the district at any regular biennial school election. The petition shall be signed by at least five percent of the eligible electors of the school district, and the proposed plan of election shall be attached thereto. The petition, together with the proposed plan, shall be submitted to the secretary of the board of education of the school district at least one hundred ten days prior to the election. If the plan meets statutory requirements, the board of education shall submit the plan to the eligible electors of the school district at the next regular biennial school election.
(c) A plan of election developed pursuant to paragraph (a) or (b) of this subsection (6.5) shall be subject to the specifications prescribed in section 22-31-109.
(d) The secretary of the board of education shall cause notice to be given on the question of whether the existing plan of representation shall be replaced by the plan of representation proposed in the manner provided in paragraph (a) or (b) of this subsection (6.5), pursuant to section 1-5-205, C.R.S., which shall include notice that the plan of election is available at the administration offices of the school district for public inspection during reasonable business hours.
(e) The ballot shall contain the words "For the proposed election of directors by the electors of a director district" and "Against the proposed election of directors by the electors of a director district". Otherwise, the ballots and election procedures shall be, as nearly as practicable, as prescribed for a regular biennial school election.
(f) If a majority of the votes cast at the election are for the proposed plan of election, the plan shall become effective upon the survey of election returns; but no plan of election shall terminate the office of any school director elected at or prior to the election at which the plan is submitted. The plan shall be effective after the election for subsequent vacancies and the election of school directors at any subsequent regular biennial school election. In the event that, as a result of the adoption of a plan of representation, two or more members of the board of education reside in the same new director district and the office of any one of the members thereafter becomes vacant, the vacancy shall be filled by the appointment of an eligible elector residing in a director district that does not at that time have a representative on the board of education. If the majority of the votes cast at the election are against the proposed plan of election, the school directors of the district shall continue to be elected or appointed as provided under the existing plan of election, except as otherwise provided in section 22-31-110.
(a) A resolution by a board of education of a school district or a petition of the eligible electors of a school district may propose any of the issues specified in subsections (3) to (6.5) of this section for consideration in one election.
(b) Any plan to change the number of director districts adopted pursuant to this section shall provide, if necessary, that the term of office of one or more directors to be elected at a subsequent regular biennial school election may be less than otherwise prescribed by law, in order to preserve the election of approximately the same number of directors at each regular biennial school election.

C.R.S. § 22-31-105

L. 64: p. 594, § 5. C.R.S. 1963: § 123-31-5. L. 67: p. 788, §§ 1-3. L. 75: (9) added, p. 696, § 1, effective March 17. L. 87: (7)(a) to (7)(c) amended, p. 311, § 38, effective July 1. L. 91: (7)(a) and (7)(b) amended, p. 522, § 2, effective April 19. L. 92: (7.5) added and (8)(a) and (8)(b) amended, p. 515, § 2, effective June 1; (4.5) added and (7)(a)(II) amended, p. 478, § 1, effective June 4; entire article amended, p. 814, § 31, effective 1/1/1993. L. 93: (4.5), (7)(a)(II), and (9)(c) amended, p. 1781, § 46, effective June 6. L. 99: Entire section R&RE, p. 468, § 2, effective April 30. L. 2004: (2) and (7)(a) amended and (6.5) added, p. 534, § 1, effective August 4.

Amendments to subsection (7) in Senate Bill 92-175 and House Bill 92-1333 were harmonized. Amendments to subsections (7.5), (8)(a), and (8)(b) in House Bill 92-1003 and House Bill 92-1333 were harmonized.