Section 2-3-201 - Joint budget committee established(1) There is hereby established a joint committee of the senate and house of representatives officially known as the joint budget committee, and to consist of the chairman of the house appropriations committee plus one majority party member and one minority party member thereof, and the chairman of the senate appropriations committee plus one majority party member and one minority party member thereof. Members of the committee shall be chosen in each house in the same manner as members of other standing committees are chosen. The committee shall function during the legislative sessions and during the interim between sessions.(2) In order to expedite the work of the committee, appointees may be designated by the respective majority and minority parties prior to the convening of the general assembly at which such committee is to serve, whether such appointees are members of the then current general assembly or members-elect of the next general assembly, or both; and such appointees have all the powers and duties and are entitled to the same compensation and expense allowance as members duly appointed under the provisions of subsection (1) of this section.(3) The committee shall elect a chairman and a vice-chairman, one from the senate membership of the committee and one from the house membership of the committee. The chairman so elected shall serve as chairman for the first regular session of the general assembly at which the committee is to serve, and as vice-chairman for the second regular session; the vice-chairman so elected shall serve as chairman for the second regular session of said general assembly.L. 59: p. 464, § 1. CRS 53: § 63-2-18. C.R.S. 1963: § 63-2-17. L. 65: p. 685, § 4. L. 67: p. 541, § 1. L. 69: p. 462, § 1. For compensation and expenses for committee members, see § 2-2-307(3).