C.R.S. § 15-10-112
Automatic Adjustments for Inflation. Added in 2008, Section 1-109 operates in conjunction with the inflation adjustments of the dollar amounts listed in subsection (b) also adopted in 2008. Section 1-109 was added to make it unnecessary in the future for the ULC or individual enacting states to continue to amend the UPC periodically to adjust the dollar amounts for inflation. This section provides for an automatic adjustment of each of the above dollar amounts annually.
In each January, the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor reports the CPI (annual average) for the preceding calendar year. The information can be obtained by telephone (202/691-5200) or on the Bureau's website (http://www.bls.gov/cpi).
Subsection (c) tasks an appropriate state agency, such as the Department of Revenue, to issue an official cumulative list of the adjusted amounts beginning in January of the year after the effective date of the act. This subsection is bracketed because some enacting states might not have a state agency that could appropriately be assigned the task of issuing updated amounts. Such an enacting state might consider tasking the state supreme court to issue a court rule each year making the appropriate adjustment.
For provisions relating to the time of taking effect or the provisions for transition of this code, see § 15-17-101 .