Section 10-16-1308 - Federal waiver - commissioner application - use of money(1) On or after June 16, 2021, the commissioner may apply to the secretary of the United States department of health and human services for a state innovation waiver to waive one or more requirements of the federal act as authorized by section 1332 of the federal act to capture all applicable savings to the federal government as a result of the implementation of this part 13.(2)(a) Upon approval of the 1332 waiver application, the commissioner may use any federal money received through the waiver for the implementation of this part 13 or for the Colorado health insurance affordability enterprise created in section 10-16-1204. The commissioner may allocate federal money to the health insurance affordability cash fund created in section 10-16-1206 for the purposes described in section 10-16-1205 (1)(b) for use by the Colorado health insurance affordability enterprise to increase the value, affordability, quality, and equity of health-care coverage for all Coloradans, with a focus on increasing the value, affordability, quality, and equity of health-care coverage for Coloradans historically and systemically disadvantaged by health and economic systems.(b) The implementation and operation of section 10-16-1305 (2) is contingent on the approval of the 1332 waiver application and the receipt of federal funds.Added by 2021 Ch. 241, § 1, eff. 6/16/2021.