Section 10-14-705 - Exemption of certain societies(1) Nothing in this article shall be construed to affect or apply to: (a) Grand or subordinate lodges of masons, odd fellows, or knights of Pythias (exclusive of the insurance department of the supreme lodge knights of Pythias) or the junior order of united American mechanics (exclusive of the beneficiary degree or insurance branch of the national council junior order united American mechanics); nor to grand or subordinate lodges of societies, orders, or associations now doing business in this state which provide benefits exclusively through local or subordinate lodges; nor to similar societies which do not issue insurance certificates. Members of lodges of the independent order of odd fellows, knights of Pythias, and other organizations paying periodical or funeral benefits shall not be individually liable for the payment of periodical or funeral benefits or other liabilities of the lodge or other organizations, but the same shall be payable only out of the treasury of such lodges or organizations.(b) Orders, societies, or associations which admit to membership only persons engaged in one or more crafts or hazardous occupations, in the same or similar lines of business, insuring only their own members and their families, and the ladies' societies or ladies' auxiliaries to such orders, societies, or associations.(2) The commissioner may require from any society or association, by examination or otherwise, such information as will enable the commissioner to determine whether such society or association is exempt from the provisions of this article.(3) Any fraternal benefit society organized and incorporated before June 2, 1911, and operating within the definition set forth in sections 10-14-101 to 10-14-104, providing for benefits in case of death or disability resulting solely from accidents, but which does not obligate itself to pay death or sick benefits, may be licensed under the provisions of this article and shall have all the privileges and be subject to all the provisions and regulations of this article; except that the provisions of this article requiring medical examinations, valuations of benefit certificates, and that the certificate shall specify the amount of benefits shall not apply to such society.L. 93: Entire article amended with relocations, p. 608, § 1, effective July 1.This section is similar to former § 10-14-132 as it existed prior to 1993.