1. The plaintiff may include on the summons for unlawful detainer a request for all amounts due and owing as of the date of the hearing and the approximate amount the defendant may owe as of the date of the hearing if the defendant makes no payments prior to the date of such hearing. Notwithstanding any rule of court or provision of law to the contrary, if such request is made on the summons for unlawful detainer, the court shall permit amendment of the amount requested on the summons for unlawful detainer filed in court in accordance with the evidence and the amounts contracted for in the rental agreement. If the plaintiff makes such a request and additional amounts become due and owing prior to the final disposition of a pending unlawful detainer, a plaintiff may amend the amount in an unlawful detainer to request all amounts due and owing as of the date of final disposition. If, however, the plaintiff has not included on the summons for unlawful detainer a request for all amounts due and owing as of the date of the hearing, the court may permit the plaintiff to amend the amount requested on the summons for unlawful detainer upon finding that (i) the evidence accurately sets forth the amount due and owing to the plaintiff, (ii) the plaintiff provided the defendant with a separate written notice of additional amounts due and owing as of the date of the hearing and of the plaintiff's intent to amend the amount requested on the summons, and (iii) the defendant had the opportunity at court to object to any additional amounts claimed.