Section 56-245.1:2 - Customers to be notified of renewable power optionsA. The Commission shall post on its website the names, telephone numbers, and available hyperlinks of suppliers of electric energy licensed to sell retail electric energy pursuant to § 56-587, that (i) expressly state in their applications for licensure, or for any renewal thereof, that they offer electric energy supplied from renewable energy to retail customers in the Commonwealth as described in subdivision A 5 of § 56-577 and (ii) request in any such applications that they be identified on the Commission's website as making such offers. Provided, however, that by posting such information on its website, the Commission shall not be deemed to provide any guarantees or assurances concerning the bona fides of such offers or that any such offers are in conformance with the laws of the Commonwealth.B. At least once each calendar quarter, each investor-owned electric utility in the Commonwealth shall include in or on the customer bills a notice directing them to the Commission website described in subsection A. Each investor-owned electric utility shall also feature available options for purchasing electric energy from renewable sources offered by the utility prominently on its website. 2008, c. 518; 2016, cc. 248, 259.Amended by Acts 2016 c. 259, § 1, eff. 7/1/2016.Amended by Acts 2016 c. 248, § 1, eff. 7/1/2016.