Article 5 - Regional Jails and Jail Farms
- Section 53.1-105 - County and city regional jail or jail farm; persons who may be confined; release and transfer of prisoners
- Section 53.1-106 - Members of jail or jail farm board or regional jail authority; powers; payment of pro rata costs
- Section 53.1-106.1 - Location of jail facilities
- Section 53.1-107 - Organization of board; annual report
- Section 53.1-108 - Expenses and allowance
- Section 53.1-109 - Authority of jail superintendent and jail officers; fees charged to prisoner
- Section 53.1-109.01 - Authority for regional jail officers to carry weapons
- Section 53.1-109.1 - Handling of funds for regional jail or jail farm; county or city treasurer or director of finance as fiscal agent
- Section 53.1-109.2 - Regional jail superintendents not to be interested in private corrections enterprises
- Section 53.1-110 - Oath and bond of superintendent and jail officers
- Section 53.1-111 - Work of prisoners
- Section 53.1-112 - Jail or jail farm expenses
- Section 53.1-113 - Transportation of prisoners to jail or jail farm
- Section 53.1-114 - Reimbursement of costs
- Section 53.1-115 - Payment of salaries of superintendents and medical and treatment personnel
- Section 53.1-115.1 - Superintendents of regional jails and regional jail-farms to make daily reports to Compensation Board
- Section 53.1-115.2 - Establishment of stores in regional jails and regional jail farms