Va. Code § 38.2-3407.15:1
"Audit" includes any audit conducted or authorized by a carrier or its intermediary to determine whether the participating pharmacy provider has complied with the terms and conditions for reimbursement under the provider contract.
"Carrier" has the same meaning ascribed thereto in subsection A of § 38.2-3407.15.
"Clerical error" means any clerical or recordkeeping error or omission, such as typographical errors, scrivener's errors, or computer errors, in the keeping, recording, handling, or transcribing of pharmacy records. "Clerical error" does not include any clerical or recordkeeping error or omission that results in an overpayment by a carrier or its intermediary or the dispensing of a prescription in breach of applicable law or regulation.
"Fraud" means a knowingly or willfully false act of misrepresentation or an act in deliberate ignorance of the truth or falsity of the information as evidenced by a review of claims data, evaluation of provider statements, physical review of pharmacy records, or use of similar investigative methods by the carrier or its intermediary.
"Onsite audit" means an audit conducted at the physical location of the pharmacy, the physical location of its corporate offices, or the physical location of its records.
"Overpayment" means a payment by the carrier or its intermediary to the pharmacy provider that is greater than the rate or amount the provider is entitled to under the provider contract or applicable fee schedule.
"Pharmacy record" means a patient record, signature or delivery log, or prescription, including written, phoned-in, faxed, or electronic prescriptions, whether original or substitute, that complies with applicable law and regulation.
"Provider contract" has the same meaning ascribed thereto in subsection A of § 38.2-3407.15.
Va. Code § 38.2-3407.15:1