Any state-owned building or structure, or building or structure built on state-owned property, for which preliminary plans were prepared or on which construction commenced after the initial effective date of the Uniform Statewide Building Code, shall remain subject to the provisions of the Uniform Statewide Building Code that were in effect at the time such plans were completed or such construction commenced. Subsequent reconstruction, renovation or demolition of such building or structure shall be subject to the pertinent provisions of the Building Code.
Acting through the Division of Engineering and Buildings, the Department of General Services shall function as the building official for any state-owned buildings or structures and for all buildings and structures built on state-owned property. The Department shall review and approve plans and specifications, grant modifications, and establish such rules and regulations as may be necessary to implement this section. It may provide for the (i) inspection of state-owned buildings or structures and for all buildings and structures built on state-owned property and (ii) enforcement of the Building Code and standards for access by individuals with physical disabilities by delegating inspection and Building Code enforcement duties to the State Fire Marshal's Office, to other appropriate state agencies having needed expertise, and to local building departments, all of which shall provide such assistance within a reasonable time and in the manner requested. State agencies and institutions occupying buildings shall pay to the local building department the same fees as would be paid by a private citizen for the services rendered when such services are requested by the Department of General Services. The Department of General Services may alter or overrule any decision of the local building department after having first considered the local building department's report or other rationale given for its decision. When altering or overruling any decision of a local building department, the Department of General Services shall provide the local building department with a written summary of its reasons for doing so.
Roadway and railway tunnels and bridges shall be designed, constructed, and operated to comply with fire safety standards based on nationally recognized model codes and standards to be developed by the Department of Transportation, in the case of roadway tunnels and bridges, and by the Virginia Passenger Rail Authority, in the case of railway tunnels and bridges, in each case in consultation with the State Fire Marshal. Emergency response planning and activities related to the standards shall be developed by the Department of Transportation or the Virginia Passenger Rail Authority, respectively, and coordinated with the appropriate local officials and emergency services providers. On an annual basis the Department of Transportation shall provide a report on the maintenance and operability of installed fire protection and detection systems in roadway tunnels and bridges and the Virginia Passenger Rail Authority shall provide a report on the maintenance and operability of installed fire protection and detection systems in its railway tunnels and bridges to the State Fire Marshal.
Va. Code § 36-98.1