Va. Code § 33.2-2917

Current with changes from the 2024 legislative session through ch. 845
Section 33.2-2917 - Miscellaneous
A. Any money set aside for the payment of the principal of or interest on any bonds issued by the Authority not claimed within two years from the day the principal of such bonds is due by maturity or by call for redemption shall be paid into the state treasury. No interest shall accrue on such principal or interest from the day the same is due. The Comptroller shall keep an account of all money thus paid into the state treasury, and it shall be paid to the individual partnership, association, or corporation entitled thereto upon satisfactory proof that such individual, partnership, association, or corporation is so entitled to such money. If the claim so presented is rejected by the Comptroller, the claimant may proceed against the Comptroller for recovery in the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond. An appeal from the judgment of the circuit court shall lie to the Court of Appeals as in actions at law, and all laws and rules relating to practice and procedure in actions at law shall apply to such authorized proceedings. No such proceedings shall be filed after 10 years from the day the principal of or interest on such bonds is due; however, if the individual having such claim is an infant or insane person or is imprisoned at such due date, such proceedings may be filed within five years after the removal of such disability, notwithstanding the fact that such 10-year period has expired.
B. The Authority may contract with the City of Richmond, the Counties of Henrico and Chesterfield, and the Department of State Police for the policing of any Authority facilities, and the City of Richmond, the Counties of Henrico and Chesterfield, and the Department of State Police are hereby authorized to enter into contracts with the Authority for such purpose. Police officers providing police services pursuant to such contracts shall be under the exclusive control and direction of the authority providing such officers and shall be responsible to that authority exclusively for the performance of their duties and the exercise of their powers. The Authority shall reimburse the City of Richmond, the County of Henrico or Chesterfield, or the Commonwealth in such amounts and at such time as shall be mutually agreed upon for providing police service. Such officers shall be responsible for the preservation of the public peace, prevention of crime, apprehension of criminals, protection of the rights of persons and property, and enforcement of the laws of the Commonwealth and all regulations of the Authority made in accordance, and such officers shall have all the rights and duties of police officers as provided by the general laws of the Commonwealth. The violation of any such regulation shall be punishable as follows: if such a violation would have been a violation of law if committed on any public highway in the City of Richmond or the County of Henrico or Chesterfield, it shall be punishable in the same manner as if it had been committed on such public highway; otherwise it shall be punishable as a Class 1 misdemeanor. All other police officers of the Commonwealth, the City of Richmond, and the Counties of Henrico and Chesterfield shall have the same powers and jurisdiction within the areas of operations agreed upon by the parties that they have beyond such limits and shall have access to all such areas at any time without interference for the purpose of exercising such powers and jurisdiction. For the purpose of enforcing such laws and regulations, the court having jurisdiction for the trial of criminal offenses committed in the City of Richmond or in the Counties of Henrico and Chesterfield within whose boundaries any crime is committed shall have jurisdiction to try any person charged with the violation of any such laws and regulations within such boundaries. A copy of the regulations of the Authority, attested by the secretary or secretary-treasurer of the Authority, may be admitted as evidence in lieu of the original. Any such copy purporting to be sealed and signed by such secretary or secretary-treasurer may be admitted as evidence without any proof of the seal or signature or of the official character of the person whose name is signed to it.
C. All actions at law and suits in equity and other proceedings, actions, and suits against the Authority, or any other person, firm, or corporation, growing out of the construction, maintenance, repair, operation, and use of any Authority facility, or growing out of any other circumstances, events, or causes in connection therewith, unless otherwise provided in this section, shall be brought and conducted in the court having jurisdiction of such actions, suits, and proceedings in the City of Richmond or the County of Henrico or Chesterfield within whose boundaries the causes of such actions, suits, and proceedings arise, and jurisdiction is hereby conferred on such court for that purpose. All such actions, suits, and proceedings on behalf of the Authority shall be brought and conducted in the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond, except as otherwise provided in this section, and exclusive jurisdiction is hereby conferred on such court for the purpose. Eminent domain proceedings instituted and conducted by the Authority shall be brought and conducted in the court having jurisdiction of such proceedings in the City of Richmond or the County of Henrico or Chesterfield within whose boundaries the land or other property to be so acquired or the major portion thereof is situated, and jurisdiction is hereby conferred on such court for such purpose.
D. On or before September 30 of each year, the Authority shall prepare a report of its activities for the 12-month period ending the preceding July 1 of such year and shall file a copy thereof with the Commonwealth Transportation Board, the City of Richmond, and the Counties of Henrico and Chesterfield. Each such report shall set forth an operating and financial statement covering the Authority's operations during the 12-month period covered by the report. The Authority shall cause an audit of its books and accounts to be made at least once in each year by certified public accountants to be selected by the Authority, and the cost of such audit shall be treated as a part of the cost of construction and operation of a project.
E. The records, books, and accounts of the Authority shall be subject to examination and inspection by duly authorized representatives of the Commonwealth Transportation Board, the governing bodies of the City of Richmond and the Counties of Henrico and Chesterfield, and any bondholder at any reasonable time, provided the business of the Authority is not unduly interrupted or interfered with thereby.
F. Any member, agent, or employee of the Authority who contracts with the Authority or is interested in contracting with the Authority or in the sale of any property, either real or personal, to the Authority shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be subject to a fine of not more than $1,000 or imprisonment in jail for not more than one year, either or both. Exclusive jurisdiction for the trial of such misdemeanors is hereby conferred upon the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond, provided that the term "contract," as used in this chapter, shall not be held to include the depositing of funds in, the borrowing of funds from, or the serving as agent or trustee by any bank in which any member, agent, or employee of the Authority may be a director, officer, or employee or have a security interest, nor shall such term include contracts or agreements with the Commonwealth Transportation Board or the purchase of services from, or other transactions in the ordinary course of business with, public service corporations.

Va. Code § 33.2-2917

2009, c. 471, § 15.2-7017; 2014, c. 805; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 489.
Amended by Acts 2021SP1 c. 489,§ 1, eff. 1/1/2022.
Added by Acts 2014 c. 805, § 1, eff. 10/1/2014.