Section 3.2-1604 - Powers and duties of Egg BoardA. The Egg Board shall have charge of the management and expenditures of the Virginia Egg Fund established in the state treasury.B. The Egg Board may expend funds to provide for programs of research, education, publicity, advertising, and other promotion of eggs that are the subject of the tax levy; manage the Virginia Egg Fund so as to accumulate a reserve for contingencies; establish an office and employ such technical, professional, and other assistants as may be required; contract for research, publicity, advertising, and other promotional services; and take measures to strengthen and promote the best interest of farmers producing eggs on which the tax has been levied in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.C. The Egg Board may establish an executive committee and charge it with such powers, duties, and functions as the Egg Board deems proper.D. The chairman of the Egg Board shall make a report at each annual meeting of the Egg Board and furnish the members of the Egg Board with a statement of the total receipts and disbursements for the year. He shall file a copy of the report with the Commissioner and make copies of the report available for publication.E. The Auditor of Public Accounts shall audit the accounts of the Egg Board as provided for in § 30-133.1980, c. 316, § 3.1-796.11:2; 1985, c. 448; 2008, c. 860.Amended by Acts 2008, c. 860.Amended by Acts 1985, c. 448.Amended by Acts 1980, c. 316, § 3.1-796.11:2.