Md. Code, State Fin. & Proc. § 3A-308

Current with changes from the 2022 Legislative Session effective on or before 7/1/2022 through Ch. 238
Section 3A-308 - Information technology project requests
(a) This section does not apply to a public institution of higher education.
(b) In submitting its information technology project requests, a unit of State government shall designate projects which are major information technology development projects.
(c) In reviewing information technology project requests, the Secretary may change a unit's designation of a major information technology development project.
(d) The Secretary shall review and, with the advice of the Secretary of Budget and Management, approve major information technology development projects and specifications for consistency with all statewide plans, policies, and standards, including a systems development life cycle plan.
(e) The Secretary shall be responsible for overseeing the implementation of major information technology development projects, regardless of fund source.
(f) With the advice of the Secretary of Budget and Management, expenditures for major information technology development projects shall be subject to the approval of the Secretary who shall approve expenditures only when those projects are consistent with statewide plans, policies, and standards.
(1) The Secretary shall approve funding for major information technology development projects only when those projects are supported by an approved systems development life cycle plan.
(2) An approved systems development life cycle plan shall include submission of:
(i) a project planning request that details initial planning for the project, including:
1. the project title, appropriation code, and summary;
2. a description of:
A. the needs addressed by the project;
B. the potential risks associated with the project;
C. possible alternatives; and
D. the scope and complexity of the project; and
3. an estimate of:
A. the total costs required to complete through planning; and
B. the fund sources available to support planning costs; and
(ii) a project implementation request to begin full design, development, and implementation of the project after the completion of planning, including:
1. the project title, appropriation code, and summary;
2. a description of:
A. the needs addressed by the project;
B. the potential risks associated with the project;
C. possible alternatives;
D. the scope and complexity of the project; and
E. how the project meets the goals of the statewide master plan; and
3. an estimate of:
A. the total project cost; and
B. the fund sources available.
(3) The Secretary may approve funding incrementally, consistent with the systems development life cycle plan.

Md. Code, SF § 3A-308