Md. Code art. Public Utilities, § 7-220Md. Code, Public Utilities § 7-220

Current with changes from the 2024 Legislative Session
Section 7-220 - Definitions
(a) In this part the following words have the meanings indicated.
(b) "Behind-the-meter program" means a program that impacts the customer side of the utility meter.
(c) "Beneficial electrification" means the replacement of the direct use of fossil fuels in buildings with the use of electricity in a manner that:
(1) reduces overall lifetime greenhouse gas emissions;
(2) reduces customers' energy costs; or
(3) enables better management of the electric distribution system.
(d) "Carbon dioxide equivalent" means the measurement of a given weight of a greenhouse gas that has the same global warming potential, measured over a specific period of time, as 1 metric ton of carbon dioxide.
(e) "Demand response program" means a program established by an electric company, an electricity supplier, or a third party that promotes changes in electric usage by customers from their normal consumption patterns in response to:
(1) changes in the price of electricity over time; or
(2) incentives designed to:
(i) induce lower electricity use at times of high wholesale market prices; or
(ii) ensure system reliability.
(f) "Department" means the Department of Housing and Community Development.
(g) "Energy efficiency" means the use of less energy to perform the same task or produce the same result.
(h) "Front-of-meter community program" means a program that:
(1) is separate from front-of-meter utility programs;
(2) impacts the utility side of the meter; and
(3) directly benefits a set of customers.
(i) "Front-of-meter utility program" means a program that impacts the utility side of a meter and benefits all utility customers.
(j) "Greenhouse gas" includes:
(1) carbon dioxide;
(2) methane;
(3) nitrous oxide;
(4) hydrofluorocarbons;
(5) perfluorocarbons; and
(6) sulfur hexafluoride.
(k) "Greenhouse gas emissions reduction" means a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, measured in metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalents, including:
(1) greenhouse gas emissions from the generation of electricity delivered to and consumed in the State; and
(2) line losses from the transmission and distribution of electricity, regardless of whether the electricity is generated in the State or imported.
(l) "Low-income program" means a program that delivers energy efficiency, conservation, and greenhouse gas emissions reduction measures to reduce utility expenses for building owners, managers, and tenants of housing with residents who qualify for the Department's low-income assistance programs, including:
(1) the EmPOWER Maryland Limited Income Energy Efficiency Program;
(2) the Multifamily Energy Efficiency and Housing Affordability Program; and
(3) the weatherization assistance Program.
(m) "Low-income residential" means a community, building, or household with residents that:
(1) have incomes below 250% of the federal poverty level as determined by the federal census; or
(2) meet the eligibility criteria approved by the Commission for low-income programs.
(n) "Midsize electric cooperative" means an electric cooperative, including a member-regulated cooperative, that:
(1) serves fewer than 75,000 customers in its distribution territory; but
(2) is not a small rural electric cooperative.
(o) "Nonenergy program" means a program with greenhouse gas emissions reduction benefits that are primarily nonenergy-based.
(p) "Plan" means any combination of behind-the-meter programs, front-of-meter community programs, front-of-meter utility programs, or nonenergy programs that:
(1) achieve greenhouse gas emissions reductions through energy efficiency, conservation, demand response, and beneficial electrification; and
(2) include a cost recovery proposal.
(q) "Task Force" means the Green and Healthy Task Force established under § 7-315 of this title.

Md. Code art. Public Utilities, § 7-220Md. Code, Public Utilities § 7-220

Added by 2024 Md. Laws, Ch. 539,Sec. 4, eff. 7/1/2024.