Section 8-17-380 - Grievance and performance appraisal procedure for academic employeesWith respect to the teaching and research faculty, professional librarians, academic administrators, and all other persons holding faculty appointments at any post-secondary educational institutions described in item (10) of Section 8-17-370, each such institution, subject to the approval of the Director of the Department of Administration or its designee and the Commission on Higher Education, shall establish in writing:
(a) A performance appraisal procedure which shall assure:(1) annual review and evaluation of such employees;(3) review of evaluations with each covered employee;(4) retention of performance appraisals and written comments of such employee, if any, in a permanent file with right of full disclosure to the employee.(b) A grievance procedure which shall at an appropriate stage provide a hearing for such employees before an individual or committee designated for such purposes, at which the employee shall have the right to representation by counsel and the opportunity to present evidence in his behalf. Any such procedure shall include the right of the employee to appeal the post-hearing decision to the governing board of the institution, or a committee designated by the board for this purpose, such appeal to be limited to the record of the hearing. Discrimination in compensation, promotion, and work assignment shall be subjects for consideration by such grievance procedure. Dismissal of tenured or other permanent employees and dismissal prior to the end of an employment contract term shall be only for cause, and shall be subject for consideration by such grievance procedure. The granting or the failure to grant tenured status to such employees or nonrenewal of employment contracts at the end of the contract term shall not be subjects for consideration by such grievance procedure.The grievance and performance appraisal procedure provided for herein shall be submitted to the Department of Administration or its designee and the Commission on Higher Education for approval within six months after the establishment of any new institution.
1982 Act No. 402, Section 8.