S.C. Code § 63-13-1220

Current through 2024 Act No. 225.
Section 63-13-1220 - Committee duties

The State Advisory Committee on the Regulation of Childcare Facilities shall:

(1) Review changes in the regulations and suggested standards proposed by the director or his designee and make recommendations on these changes to the director or his designee. The committee shall evaluate the regulations and suggested standards at the three-year review period (subsection (C) of Section 63-13-180) and recommend necessary changes. No regulation may be promulgated if the standard has been disapproved by a simple majority of the committee.
(2) Advise the department regarding the improvement of the regulation of childcare facilities.
(3) Advise the department on matters of regulatory policy, planning, and priorities.
(4) As it considers necessary, hold a public hearing at least thirty days before adoption of the regulations.
(5) Plan with the department for the procedures to be used in notifying licensees, approved operators, and registrants regarding regulatory changes sixty days before intended promulgation.
(6) Maintain through the department the essential liaison with other departments and agencies of state and local government so as to preclude imposition of duplicate requirements upon operators subject to regulations under this chapter.
(7) Act to move the adoption of its recommendations and other pertinent disposition of matters before it by decision of a simple majority of those members present and voting, provided there is a quorum of eight members.

S.C. Code § 63-13-1220

2008 Act No. 361, Section 2.