Section 59-54-60 - Annual reports of state agencies offering certain educational programsEach state agency offering career, technical, occupational, or adult basic and adult secondary education programs shall include in its annual report at least the following:
(1) a summary of students or clients served each year and the cost for each student served each year of the training or educational programs;(2) the completion and placement rate and further education of students enrolled in career, technical, and occupational training and the completion and further education of students enrolled in adult basic and adult secondary education programs;(3) the number of new programs started with an assessment of future job opportunities;(4) the number of programs discontinued;(5) the effectiveness of coordination efforts among education and training entities;(6) the effectiveness of articulation efforts with other education and training entities;(7) the effectiveness of the coordination of the training or education program to economic development efforts in each area of the State and the State as a whole;(8) the degree to which unserved or underserved clients or areas previously identified are now being served or referred to other entities for service including the effectiveness of the training and education programs to assist public assistance clients and at-risk youth to move into the work force;(9) a summary report of follow-up studies reflecting employer satisfaction and earnings rate of a sample of persons completing various educational and training programs and students participating in cooperative education programs.2005 Act No. 49, Section 15, eff 5/3/2005; 1986 Act No. 394, Section 13.