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- Section 50-18-215 - Authority of the Department of Natural Resources; permits and licenses; exclusion of saltwater species
- Section 50-18-220 - Out-of-state aquaculturists and common carriers; permits, licenses, and proper documentation
- Section 50-18-225 - Possession, sale, and purchase of freshwater game fish and aquaculture products
- Section 50-18-230 - Regulation of commercial aquaculture
- Section 50-18-235 - Application and issuance of aquaculture permits; permitted activities; factors considered for issuance; separate facilities; exemptions; penalties
- Section 50-18-240 - Cost and validity of permit; fees, fines, and forfeitures placed in special account; penalties; appeal
- Section 50-18-245 - Requirements to engage in aquaculture of nonindigenous species
- Section 50-18-250 - Inspection of facilities; hindering or failure to comply with request of agent; display or on-site filing of permit
- Section 50-18-255 - Wholesale aquaculture licenses; license year; cost; exemption for individuals holding current aquaculture permits; penalties
- Section 50-18-260 - Aquacultured game fish retail license; application and issuance; display of license; penalties
- Section 50-18-265 - Invoices, receipts, and bills of lading; inspections; documentation and record retention; penalties
- Section 50-18-270 - Intentional release of imported species into public waterways; penalties
- Section 50-18-275 - Freshwater game fish acquired for brood stock
- Section 50-18-280 - Transfer, alteration, use, and acquisition of permit, registration, license, or required instrument; penalties
- Section 50-18-285 - Tampering, damaging, vandalizing, poisoning, or stealing of aquaculture products or facilities; penalties
- Section 50-18-290 - Jurisdiction of magistrates court; restitution; penalties