The notice shall be substantially in the following form which shall be deemed sufficient for all purposes of this chapter:
Notice of Application to Form a Drainage District. -Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in the following described lands in __________ County, South Carolina, viz.: (here describe the property as set out in the petition), that a petition asking that the foregoing lands be formed into a drainage district under Chapter 19 of Title 49 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina has been filed in this office and that the foregoing lands will be affected by the formation of such drainage district and rendered liable to assessment for the purpose of paying the expenses of organization and making and maintaining the improvements that may be necessary to effect the reclamation of the lands included in such district and you and each of you are hereby notified to appear on the ___ day of __________ at the office of the clerk of the court of common pleas of __________ County and show cause, if any there be, why such drainage district as set forth in such petition shall not be organized as a public corporation of the State of South Carolina.
Date of first publication __________, 19___, clerk of the court of common pleas of __________ County, South Carolina.
S.C. Code § 49-19-260