The Department is hereby authorized and empowered to promulgate and adopt such rules and regulations as are reasonably necessary to carry out the provisions and requirements of this article. The Department shall also be authorized to designate the effective date on which the grading and inspection requirements of this article shall become effective which shall not be later than January 1, 1973. Before any rules and regulations, including grading requirements shall be approved and adopted, every public livestock market in this State shall be given at least fifteen days notice that such rules and regulations will be considered by the Department for approval in order that livestock market operators may appear and be heard concerning the adoption of such rules and regulations. Following adoption and approval of any and all rules and regulations, the Department, within thirty days, shall give notice to the livestock market operators of such rules and regulations approved and adopted and such rules and regulations shall not become effective until thirty days after notice has been given to the livestock market operators.
S.C. Code § 47-11-370