The Commissioner of Agriculture has general advisory authority over the implementation of the metric system in this State. To assist in the implementation there is created a nine member advisory committee including the executive officers or their designated staff member from the State Law Enforcement Division, the State Commission on Higher Education, the State Board for Technical and Comprehensive Education, the State Department of Education, the South Carolina Department of Transportation, State Department of Public Safety, the Department of Commerce, one member appointed by the Governor who is associated with the textile industry and serves without compensation, and one member appointed by the Governor from his staff. If a designated member ceases to be on the staff of the state agencies provided in this section, he no longer is a member of the advisory committee, and the executive officer shall serve or designate another member of his staff to serve on the committee. Members of the committee serve until this section and Section 39-9-240 have been implemented fully. The Commissioner of Agriculture, with the assistance and recommendations of the committee, shall:
S.C. Code § 39-9-230