S.C. Code § 34-5-90
The Board may, for the purpose of securing funds to pay a dividend to depositors or for the purpose of reopening any bank, banking corporation or trust company operated by a conservator under the Board, authorize and empower any conservator to borrow such sum of money, in the corporate name of such bank, banking corporation or trust company, as the Board may order, and evidence such indebtedness by a note or notes, payable at such time as the notes may provide and bearing such interest rate or discount as may therein be provided, securing the payment of such note by a pledge of all or any of the assets of such bank, banking corporation or trust company in the hands of such conservator. Any note and the pledge of any securities, assets or other property of any such conservator made and delivered as herein provided shall be binding upon and constitute a liability of any such bank, banking institution or trust company.
S.C. Code § 34-5-90