S.C. Code § 34-28-130

Current through 2024 Act No. 209.
Section 34-28-130 - Articles of incorporation content; approval by board; amendment
(1) The Articles of Incorporation of an association shall contain:
(a) The name of the proposed association, which shall comply with Section 34-28-110, and in the case of a stock-owned association must contain the word "corporation", "incorporated", "limited", or "company" or an abbreviation thereof sufficient to distinguish a stock-owned association from a mutual association;
(b) The address of the principal office of the association in South Carolina, including the county and municipality where it is located, together with a registered agent for receiving service of process and the address of the agent if it differs from that of the principal office of the association;
(c) The period of duration of the corporation which is deemed perpetual unless otherwise stated;
(d) The general nature of the business to be transacted or a statement that the association may engage in any activity or business permitted to associations under this chapter and other provisions of Title 34. This statement shall authorize all those activities and business by the association;
(e) With respect to a stock-owned association, the amount of capital stock authorized, showing the maximum number of shares of par value common stock and of preferred stock, and of every kind, class, or series of each, together with the distinguishing characteristics and the par value of all shares;
(f) The amount of capital with which the association will begin business;
(g) The number of directors, which may not be fewer than five, and the names and street addresses of the members of the first board of directors who, unless otherwise provided by the Articles of Incorporation, the bylaws, or this chapter, shall hold office for the term set forth in Section 34-28-420(4) or until their successors are elected or appointed and have qualified;
(h) The names, and addresses of all the incorporators, not less than ten in number;
(i) Any other provisions authorized or permitted to be in the Articles of Incorporation of a corporation by Chapters 1 to 25 of Title 33 which the incorporators elect to include therein.
(2) The Articles of Incorporation must be in writing, signed by all the incorporators, and submitted to the Board for its approval. Upon approval, the Board shall place the following legend upon the Articles of Incorporation "Approved by the Board of Financial Institutions this ___ day of ___, ___ (herein the name and signature of the Chairman of the Board)". Thereafter, the Articles of Incorporation must be filed with the Secretary of State.
(3) An association shall not amend its Articles of Incorporation without the prior written approval of the Board.

S.C. Code § 34-28-130

1985 Act No. 124, Section 1.