Article 3 - ARRESTS
- Section 22-5-110 - Arrest, examination and commitment or punishment; warrant; courtesy summons
- Section 22-5-115 - Summons to appear; issuance; design and contents of form; tracking
- Section 22-5-130 - Magistrate as prosecutor when offense committed in his view
- Section 22-5-140 - Arrests by magistrates to preserve the peace
- Section 22-5-150 - Arrest of persons threatening breach of peace; trial or binding over
- Section 22-5-160 - Appointment of special officer to arrest persons charged with offense above grade of misdemeanor
- Section 22-5-170 - Duty of special officer appointed by magistrate
- Section 22-5-180 - Swearer of warrant precluded from serving it
- Section 22-5-190 - Endorsement and execution of warrants issued in other counties or by municipal authorities
- Section 22-5-200 - Disposition of persons arrested by deputy sheriffs without warrants
- Section 22-5-210 - Copy of arrest warrant to arrested person