S.C. Code § 17-15-35

Current through 2024 Act No. 209.
Section 17-15-35 - Definitions; electronic monitoring as condition of bond
(A) As used in this section:
(1) "Approved active electronic monitoring device" and "monitoring device" means a body worn or non-body worn device or mobile phone application approved by the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division which records or transmits oral or wire communications or an auditory sound, visual images, or information regarding the person's location and activities, that must verify live biometric, photographic, or videographic identification information, and that timely records and reports the person's location.
(2) "Approved electronic monitoring agency" means a law enforcement agency, licensed bondsman or bonding company, or electronic monitoring company that is certified by the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division to supply, maintain, and monitor electronic monitoring devices to participants ordered by the court to wear electronic monitoring devices under the provisions of this section.
(3) "SLED" means the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division.
(4) "Monitoring agency" or "agency" means an approved electronic monitoring agency.
(5) "Participant" means a person, ordered by the court or as a condition of bond to wear or possess an approved electronic monitoring device.
(1) The court, in its discretion, may, for a person charged with a violation of criminal offense under the jurisdiction of the court of general sessions or any offense where the court finds sufficient evidence of a concern for the victim's safety or the safety of any member of the public, order that the person be placed on surveillance via an approved active electronic monitoring device which must be worn or possessed at all times for the duration specified by the court, either in lieu of setting or requiring the posting of bond or as an additional condition of the release on bond.
(2) For pretrial bond consideration, the judge is not limited to nonviolent offenses, but must take into consideration all concerns relating to the setting of an appropriate bond under Section 22-5-510, Sections 17-15-10, et seq., and Section 16-25-120. The device must be capable of recording the person's location at all times. If the court orders a device, before the participant is allowed to leave custody, the detention facility where the defendant is located, in coordination with the approved monitoring agency, must ensure the participant is fitted with an approved active electronic monitoring device, and that all appropriate bond paperwork, including the agreement with the bonding and electronic monitoring companies acknowledging the terms and restrictions of the bond, is completed.
(3) The participant who is ordered on supervision must:
(a) wear an approved device at all times to verify his compliance with the conditions of his detention or if the device is not body worn, must maintain possession of his approved device on or near his person at all times for the duration of the detention and must verify his identity and location at any time required by the order of the court and must maintain the monitoring device on or near his person at all times for the duration of the detention, subject to the order of the court and reasonable orders of an agent or employee of the monitoring agency in order to effectuate the conditions of the monitoring order. For purposes of this subsection, "near" means within hearing distance of the device's notification or call alerts but not farther than thirty feet. In areas of the State where cellular coverage requires the use of an alternate device, the approved electronic monitoring company may use an alternate approved device with approval of the court;
(b) charge and maintain the monitoring device in working order and must report any damage, destruction, or noticeable malfunction of the active monitoring device, whether the incident was accidental or intentional, and including the device having a dead battery, to at least one of the following parties within two hours of the incident: the monitoring agency, the appropriate law enforcement agency with jurisdiction over the underlying offense, or any other party specified in the order;
(c) abide by other terms and conditions set forth by the approved electronic monitoring agency with regard to the monitoring device and electronic monitoring program;
(d) turn himself in to custody of the appropriate detention facility upon the order of the monitoring agency, or the appropriate law enforcement agency with jurisdiction over the offense; and
(e) pay for the cost of the approved active electronic monitoring device and the operation of the monitoring device for the duration of the time the person is required to be electronically monitored, subject to an order of indigency by the court. The summary court or circuit court has jurisdiction upon motion of the defendant to consider exempting a person from the payment of a part or all of the cost during a part or all of the duration of the time the person is required to be electronically monitored, if it is determined that exceptional circumstances exist such that these payments cause a severe hardship to the person who is deemed indigent. If the indigency hearing is held at a time and date separate from the initial bond hearing, the defense must notify the prosecutor, the bondsman, and the monitoring agency of the date, time, and location of the hearing subject to the notice requirements of the court.

The payment of the cost must be a condition of supervision of the person and a delinquency of two weeks or more in making payments may operate as a violation of a term or condition of the electronic monitoring and bond. No person shall be denied the privilege of electronic monitoring under this statute based on inability to pay upon a finding by the court that the defendant meets the qualifications for indigency. The State shall allocate funds to be housed in an indigency fund under the control of the Department of Public Safety to be distributed to the monitoring companies as appropriate to cover the cost of indigent participants.

(C) A participant ordered by the court to be monitored under the provisions of this section, who fails to comply with any of the provisions of this section or who fails to comply with any additional condition of the court order including location restrictions, may have his bond revoked or may be punished for contempt at the discretion of the court.
(D) It is unlawful for any person, knowingly and without authority, to remove, tamper with, damage, destroy, shield the signal from, or otherwise circumvent an active electronic monitoring device, or to aid or assist a person ordered by the court to be electronically monitored under the provisions of this section to remove, tamper with, damage, destroy, shield the signal from, or otherwise circumvent a monitoring device and, upon conviction, the person must be punished under the provisions of Section 24-13-425. This subsection does not apply to a person or agent of the electronic monitoring agency or bonding company, or a member of law enforcement acting under the authority of and with compliance to the court order.
(1) Upon violation of any of these requirements and a showing by affidavit and supporting records by the electronic monitoring company on a domestic violence bond or general sessions bond or where emergency circumstances exist on any other bond, the approved electronic monitoring company may approach a summary court judge for a bench warrant if one is not already provided for in the bond paperwork or other court order. Law enforcement shall immediately attempt to locate and incarcerate the defendant upon notice of the bench warrant. After incarceration, the prosecutor must be notified and the defendant must be brought before a summary court judge within three calendar days or before a circuit court judge within three business days, whichever has jurisdiction of the underlying charge, to determine whether the bond is to be reconsidered or bond conditions amended. The prosecution must provide the defense with any relevant evidence regarding the alleged violation within a reasonable time before the hearing and the hearing may be continued for cause.
(2) Nothing in this section shall reduce any duty of the bondsman to pick up the offending bailee and immediately incarcerate him for violation of bond conditions. Failure to do so may lead to bond estreatment for failure to enforce bond conditions by the bondsman and possible other administrative or criminal action.
(3) Nothing in this section may be used to hold the electronic monitoring agency civilly liable for any criminal acts of the defendant committed while being monitored.

S.C. Code § 17-15-35

Added by 2023 S.C. Acts, Act No. 83 (HB 3532),s 4, eff. 12/20/2023.

2023 Act No. 83, Section 19, provides as follows:

"SECTION 19. This act takes effect upon approval by the Governor; however, the provisions of Sections 17-15-35 and 17-15-37 take effect six months after approval by the Governor, and the provisions of Section 38-53-10(12) take effect July 1, 2024."